I'm a D-Bag

Sep 27, 2005 09:59

Because I lose everything I touch. I've been searching for my Ipod the past 3 days. I haven't seen it since I worked out on Saturday but I remember taking it out of the gym. At least I think I do. It might be one of those memories that you swear is real but you only wish so hard that it was real that you think it is. I thought it was in Kevin and Wilson's room but as of yet no luck there either. I am losing hope of finding it. So now that $50 spent on the 3-year destruction plan is worthless because I'm pretty sure losing it doesn't qualify. I wonder if I can get an already broken Ipod and take it in and have them give me a new one...That will be plan B after I've tried all I can to recover Brick (his name.) I miss him dearly and if anyone has any information about it please gimme.

Then I realize I've lost my sketchbook for glass which was already nicely padded with designs and works of others. Hopefully it resides somewhere in the art barn. Perhaps both my book and Ipod will be gently handed to me in the next day or so. That'd be a nice change of pace.

Still busy with Two Gents and while it is coming along I wish we had more time still. The misses rehearsals and all I really think did a number, at least to me, in my prep work. Part of it though is my fault as well, I'm not off book and I really should be. I'm gonna work my ass of tonight with Chad to hopefully get it all down. I think the show will be a crowd favorite (even if they don't understand it all) but I have a feeling the professors will snub it. Being so far artistically above an 80's style remake of a Shakespearian (far from) classic. Regardless I will be excited to finally put it up and excited to end it as well. I'll enjoy having some free time again.

Glassblowing is the coolest thing ever. Regardless of what else is going on I can go in the hot shop and really enjoy myself. Some d-bag broke my best vase though and didn't leave a note or anything. *Anger* I'm starting to play around with shape and form and I'm getting a bit better in handling the glass. I'm pretty sure I'm taking Venetian Glass Technique for CentreTerm and I wanna take Glass II in the spring. That would mean I'd have 5 classes but hopefully I can Pass/Fail one of those and maybe I could audit Glass. But man it kicks it.

Production meeting for henceforward calls me away. Sadly not cast in it but I'll get to be the assistant lighting designer which is something I'm very interested in as well. This will open up some time for me for glass and other things as well which I think I'll be happy to have in the end. I need to get some really good hall programs for 2nd Nevin going as we've got a good group of guys and I'd like for them to get a bit closer. Maybe some grill dinners together or something.

Now I've fallen into rambling in trying to waste time before the meeting. Rather than bore you I'll go and facebook for a while. How lame. I livejournaled and facebooked closely following one another. Nerd.
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