Alright! I'm officially an online DJ, DJ Dischord at yer service! I've wanted to try it out some time, now I can. For now, my hours are pretty open, though I start at 4AM EST. >.> Beyond that, hopefully ya catch me...listen to my show! ^_^ Well, it's pretty much just music with a little commentary now, but I was hoping to do a bit more.
The station is Just put that in Windows Media player, Winamp, or whatever as a url or file. ^_^ The music's about as random as I am. >.>
On another note, I'm also trying my hand at writing a romance novel. Mom thinks I should do a suspense or something based on the fact that whenever I heard "Come Softly to Me" I immediately think of someone killing a person. That's only one scene, can't really think of a way to build off of that.
I also got a letter from the Union c/c'd to me, so, I know they got in contact with the Human Resources people, hopefully I will be getting my job back.