This weekend, in great detail. Fake!meme win.

Sep 26, 2010 23:15

This weekend has been so busy! My grandparents and my parents are over for my graduation,  which was yesterday, and I was at a wedding on Friday. My legs hurt so bad from wearing heels two days in a row (I'm so not a girly girl) but other than that, it's been a great weekend.

Friday was cool, I chilled in the morning, cleaning the house a little and getting ready for the wedding. Mags picked me up and we headed to the church. The service was nice, if a little traditional for my tastes but it was very Susan, and as it was her wedding, I guess that's a good thing! She's one of my oldest friends in Ireland, we met when I was going my first gap year with the church after school, and we were ridiculously close for a long time. Probably unhealthily, overly interdependantly close, but it was ok for a time! It was weird seeing her get married. She's another in a long list of my close friends to get married in the past few years and it's very odd to think we're old enough and grown up enough to do that!

We went to grab a coffee before the reception and ended up eating there too. The dinner wasn't until 6pm and the ceremony was at 1:30pm and none of us had lunch so we were starving. We headed to Nosh'n'coffee, a lovely little place, and hung out there in all our fine wedding clothes. Then we headed to Druids Glen Resort, which was were the reception was being held, and had a cup of tea and waited on the meal to start. The meal was lovely, I was sitting with Jo and Keith, who didn't stop flirting until his date got there - fun, harmless stuff. They've known each other for years and he used to have a thing for her, so it was quite amusing watching the banter. Jo and I used to hang out a lot, along with Susan, but she went to college in Scotland then went travelling for a year so this summer I've been getting to know her again, almost, and hanging out with her again. It's been nice. So we spent the night hanging out, dancing, flirting with boys (we were two of only 6 single girls at the whole thing) and just generally having fun! I ended up staying MUCH later than I planned, missing my ride home and drinking more than I had planned. I ended up staying at Jo's and doing the walk of shame home in the dress the next morning. Well, walk of shame was really the lift home of shame, but it was in Jo's Mum's little convertible so it wasn't really shameful at all. It was quite exciting though.

The next day was my graduation day, and I was pretty hung over. I popped some asprin throughout the day and still had a brilliant day. Mum and Dave came to get ready at the house (they were staying at friends of theirs until then) and then my grandparents came over at about 12 too. They're staying at a hotel near here, so it's handy enough for them. Got ready (wearing the same dress as the night before - I know, I'm gross, but it's a hot dress) and headed out at 1pm for the grad.

The graduation itself was a lot of fun - I was pretty excited despite being tired with a sore feet and a sore head! Got robed up, took pictures on my own and with the family and then had a video interview that was planned by the college a few months ago. I totally forgot about it until I was asked to come and film it so it was a bit off the cuff but I think I did ok. Then I graduated, which was great, got my cert and took more group photos, then had nibbles. After that, a few of my friends came back to my apartment for more nibbles and to hang out until I went for a family dinner. We went to Siam Thai, which was recommended to me but I'd never been before, and it was brilliant. Really nice food, really nice atmosphere and good service.

Today my grandparents came over again this morning and we hung out until about 1pm at the house. Mum and Dave went to visit a friend of hers (more on that topic later, it's frustrating me right now) and me and my grandparents went up to Skerries to visit Ardgillan Castle. We found the entrance, and the car park but I think we parked in the wrong one, because we couldn't find the castle at all! My grandmother can't walk very far so when we'd walked for about ten minutes we decided to give up and go to my friends house instead for tea and scones. Emily and Norman live in Skerries with their baby, who I look after on Wednesday mornings, and it was lovely to see them and hang out for a bit. Then we came back here and we had dinner at the restaurant in the hotel they're staying at. I'm now very full, almost uncomfortably so, but it was a lovely meal and really nice to hang out with them for the day. I'll miss them when I'm in NZ. I'll update more about them later, there's lots to say there that I want to get off my chest and down 'on paper' as it were.

That's a VERY long update for me, and it's not even anything to do with a meme*! Wonder of wonders! I think I'll leave it at that.

*The meme will be resumed on Tuesday, once the family have all gone.

parents, jo, wedding, graduation, grandparents, susan

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