Day four - sort of - in great detail!

Sep 23, 2010 22:16

So I'm technically two days behind now, I should be on day six and I'm only doing day four. But I wrote day four for two days ago, so technically I'm only missing yesterdays and todays. I do plan to write them up tonight, but I want to post this first. So this is day four, from Tuesday.

So what did I eat? I was in work at 10am, so as usual, I stayed in bed as late as possible and so missed breakfast. However, I got to work early so I went into the supermarket next door and I bought a cake. Facebook had informed me that it was a co-worker of mine, Sharon's birthday, so I also picked up some candles and some writing icing to write happy birthday on the cake. It was a carrot and orange Tesco Finest cake, and it looked lovely. Anyway, I proceeded to go to work, go out the back and write 'Happy Birthday Sharon' on this cake. I then told Mags that it was Sharon's birthday.

Mags: "No it's not"
Me: "Yes it is! Facebook told me."
Mags: "Her birthday was in July"
Me: "But I got her a cake! And facebook says it is!"
Mags: "It's definitely not. But cake is always good!"

So I told Sharon, we all had a laugh and she went on facebook to figure out what was going on. Her daughters had hacked her account and she had tons of messages saying Happy birthday - quite amusing. The cake was lovely too.

For lunch I had Cheerios, a bag of Velvet Crunch Sour Cream and Onion (kind-of-healthy crisps) and bag of M&M's crispy, I think. I always eat Cheerios in work as they are cheap and quick and it means I don't have to go into the shop on my break. I only get half an hour. I also drank about three cups of tea while at work.

After work I headed to Jack's house and got a chinese 3-in-1 on the way there. A 3-in-1 is chips (fries, but chunkier), fried rice and curry sauce. It's lovely! I put it in my bag to eat when I got to Jack's house. Only when I got there, the curry sauce had leaked, tearing the paper bag it was in, and getting curry sauce on the inside of my bag. Luckily not on any of my clothes though. I also got prawn crackers, because you can't get chinese without getting prawn crackers.

I then made my way to Emily's house, where I was staying the night. I drank more tea and ate a penguin biscuit slowly. It melted on my fingers and I got to lick the chocolate off - love it.

I'll hopefully get day five and day six up tonight, but then I think I need to take three days off. Tomorrow I've got a wedding all day and Saturday is my Graduation, and the family are also all over visiting from England. I'm sure I'll have plenty to update about when they're gone!

in great detail, meme

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