... But not if you stab those fuckers first!

May 29, 2006 06:32


But then I realize who my true friends are and why I'm friends with them in the first place. If I didn't have friends to ask me favors all the time maybe I wouldn't feel as "needed." I guess that's what I'm here for: to provide some balance to everyone else's life (Does that make sense?) Besides I wouldn't want to have another person like me around; hell, I wouldn't even want to be friends with someone like me. I guess that's why Nick and I are best friends for the simple fact that we balance each other out.

Yesterday just seemed perfect, different, and confusing all at the same time. I drunk dialed Rachel at 4 AM last night. I can't remember much of the convo but I did tell her that I missed having her here. I know I don't call her enough as I should but I'm getting better at it. But then again when your phone bill is $210.98 for the month of May from using alot of daytime minutes and from texting alot a person could understand why I wouldn't answer my phone/text as much. Sharing a plan with my sister sucks.

So anyways Rachel showed up in Tally yesterday by "surprise." The word "surprise" is in quotation marks because I had a feeling that my drunkingness combined with my loneliness would make her embark on a journey to come and visit. But I was happy to see her nonetheless.

But something was different about her; And I felt different when I saw her. At first I thought that she may have been in the sun too long but then I realized that her difference wasn't anything dealing with her physical appearance. Then I guessed that she had somehow increased her power level. Nah, she's too afraid to even let me pick her up. Then I just gave up on thinking what was so different about her. I guess I just missed her but didn't realize how much? Maybe the "difference" can't be put into any words or phrase. I dunno what the future holds for us but right now I'm pinching her cheeks and she is swiping me. So I guess our future isn't very bright >_>. And she snores too. LOUDLY I might add. >_>

In sporting news, Barry Bonds hit Homerun #715 for his career and has now surpassed Babe Ruth for second place all time on the career homerum record list. He may have passed the Babe but can he pass a drug test? I expect people to give him shit with all the steroid allegations and stuff, but if I saw Barry I'd be like "You're the man now dawg!"

Also Ricky Williams signed with the CFL's Toronto Argonauts. There are three things I see wrong here: 1. CFL doesn't drug test. 2. If I counted correctly, Ricky Williams has failed 4 drug tests administered by the NFL so you know his ass is gonna still smoke. 3. He lives in Canada where pot is legal. And after I made this list my first thought are of having a career in the CFL and moving to Canada.

One more thing: how the hell did that dude from American Idol win? First it was idiots voting for Bush and now this?!?! Dammit will America ever get anything right? Ok the girl wasn't that much better but at least she's cute. I mean cmon, M I RITE? And how is Simon Cowell gonna promote someone with epilepsy? The guy nearly dies everytime he dances. Basically I think the top 3 finalists all sucked. This just shows how piss poor the show has become.

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