Restraint (House/Wilson, NC-17, kink)

Sep 21, 2007 09:12

Title: Restraint
By: daasgrrl
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Kink. Even worse, poetry.
Word count: 370
Beta: Thank you to the lovely elynittria for impeccable beta, not to mention bonus tranquilizers...
Notes: Extremely late birthday fic for bironic, inspired by her fabulous 'sestinafic'. This one is also written in the form of a sestina, but you don't really need to know what that is (unless you want to). Happy birthday, bironic! For, um, July *g*


How did this happen? he thinks, as he lies
There, bound at hand and foot. He cannot move
Or speak; the gag forbids him. Instead he waits, in silence,
Waits for House to speak his name, to take control,
To tell him how they’re going to play this game.
He looks in House’s eyes, heart racing in the moment…

The way he'd waited then in that first moment
Months ago; for truth to coalesce from all the lies
They’d told - that never-ending game
Of words and wits. Each passing up the final move
For fear of losing ground, losing control.
He speaks now, but his words are lost in silence

As House just looks at him, unsmiling, and the silence
Grows, shrouding him in doubt. The next moment,
House’s mouth on his, and then he gives up his control
Easily, without regret, because in truth he’s sick of lies
Anyway. House pins him to the wall, moves
Relentlessly against him, and he’s lost - if indeed this ever was a game.

It’s only the beginning. After all this time he’s game
For anything. He lets House fuck him on their bed in silence,
Careless, thoughtless, as their bodies move
Together, urgent, moment by moment,
To a place without lies,
Where no one’s in control.

It’s not enough, he learns in time. House needs to control
Every aspect of his life, including him. It’s a game
He hadn’t counted on; but, intrigued, he lies
Still as House binds him, spread-eagled, into silence
And holds the thing up for his mute inspection. A moment
Later, pleasure/pain invades him. With each deepening move,

He moans against the gag. House’s face, intent, watching his body move
And strain and twist, testing the bindings as his control
Falters with each maddening push/retreat. He shatters, moments
Before House touches him, grants him release. The game
Is over, and yet not over. Freed, he works his mouth in silence
Until House gasps his name, and it’s there the veiled truth lies.

Because in time he’ll learn the moves to this new game,
And win back his control. He knows, and yet he keeps his silence.
For in this moment’s peace… he’s content to let it lie.

kink, house, fic, nc-17, house/wilson, poetry

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