Permutations (House/Wilson, NC-17)

Sep 24, 2006 10:15

Title: Permutations
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house, fic, nc-17, slash, house/wilson

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Comments 129

nightdog_barks September 24 2006, 02:39:29 UTC
This is fantastic.

There’s a well-known theory about universes running in parallel - that every decision made or not made, every action taken or not taken creates, in effect, its own world, with paths leading off at every juncture. Infinite possibilities, almost close enough to touch, but what passes for us, our consciousness, getting to experience only one out of all of them.

*jaw drops*
Holy shit. Are you reading my latest draft (Letters of Transit)? Because you've got that going right here. Heh! I love synchronicity.


daasgrrl September 24 2006, 02:57:28 UTC
Hee - thanks. No, I haven't read a word of it - I would definitely have mentioned it if I'd seen you doing something similar. I've only got the impression it's about postcards :)


nightdog_barks September 24 2006, 03:18:19 UTC

It's okay -- the root idea is eerily similar, but obviously not the same in execution. Waiting to see this posted on house_wilson or whatever, at which point I will recommend the hell out of it, because this is just one of the most inventive, original, best stories I've read in a while.

Unless it's okay to rec it now. I hesitate recommending stories straight out of someone's LJ.


daasgrrl September 24 2006, 07:30:21 UTC
It's a fairly well-known concept in general, I suppose *g*. I'm kind of grateful I didn't see yours as I would probably have panicked and not written anything. It sounds like it'll be interesting! I do enjoy AU, in general, so I'm sure it'll be very entertaining.

I'm so pleased you liked it, and it's very considerate of you to ask. I honestly wouldn't have been bothered either way (churlish to complain about a rec under any circumstances, I feel *g*) - I just tend to post to my own journal first to get a feel for whether it worked, and in the hope that someone will warn me of any grave cardinal sins I may have committed before it goes out. I hope to post it soon :)

Thanks again!


nakannalee September 24 2006, 02:58:54 UTC
A-maz-ing. I am so glad I wandered over here before I officially call it a night.

I was hooked on every word, every intricate little description, and then BAM! you threw me for a loop, and with a shocked "whah???" I'd end up reading the previous paragraph again so... Yeah, in short, I've read this about three times through. Each time has been even more enjoyable. :) Thanks so much for posting this. Made my (otherwise boring) night!


daasgrrl September 25 2006, 02:56:55 UTC
Thank you for wandering over!

Very pleased you enjoyed and reread it - I know, it threw my beta too, which I guess was the intention, so that made me happy :)


stephantom September 24 2006, 03:03:03 UTC
Wow. So fricking cool. Just a brilliant idea, with the coin-flipping in the beginning, which seemed like just a random House thing to do, but then turning the whole story into that idea, with the different universes... Very nicely done.


daasgrrl September 25 2006, 02:58:46 UTC
Thanks very much. I have to admit, I was thinking very much of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (again) when I was writing the coin flipping bit, although House got more variety :)


stephantom September 25 2006, 03:35:09 UTC
Haha, that did cross my mind as I was reading. :)


topaz_eyes September 24 2006, 03:14:06 UTC
AU with a twist--multiple AUs more precisely, and each one feels real and complete. Nice.


daasgrrl September 25 2006, 03:00:00 UTC
Thanks! I'm afraid I was completely projecting all my angst over Season 3 onto this :)


purridot September 24 2006, 03:18:33 UTC
That was gorgeous! House toys with the universe -- and just maybe gets lucky.

I loved the idea that House pushed Wilson away during his recovery, causing the tension between them; seems very plausible. Why can't the show's writers start making sense like that, instead of leaving us confused and worried about the characters?

This line was really a zinger: the memory of the hope hurts even more than the leg. Lovely work.


daasgrrl September 25 2006, 03:01:48 UTC
I know, I really wanted something to hang Wilson's behaviour on, and we haven't yet found out exactly where the hell he was during House's recovery, so that annoyed me *g*. I feel for House too. Thanks for commenting!


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