Journal Dump

Sep 10, 2008 01:02

 Le siiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Okay, so I joined 4 more commnuities today, and I was going to change my journal theme, but I didn't find one I liked at the moment besides the ones you have to upgrade to get, so yes, my journal theme is still the same. But at least I changed the title, haha. That's a start.
     Anyways, one of the communities I joined was for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Basically, the rule of NaNoWriMo is you write a novel (200 pages, 50,000 words) in a month. The month for this year's NaNoWriMo is November and I am kind of thinking of participating but I don't know what I'd write on. I mean, I know I have a month and a half to think about that and all, but I want to be at least a little prepared. I was thinking of expanding on the 1000 Seconds (The Secret Machines) story I did a while ago since I really liked the idea, but I'm not sure. Any ideas anyone? Please? hah.

My poor little paper journal is still sitting neglected on my shelf. I know I should pick it up and start writing again, but I know I have to catch up on all those prompts I missed, and I'm not looking forward to 3 weeks worth of prompts >.< I know waiting makes it even worse, but I just can't get the drive to take it down and write in it. . . I don't know what to doooooooooo >.<
     I'm so lazy, hah.

Anyways, back to NaNoWriMo - I also forgot to mention that since I'm still in school and what-not, writing a novel in a month would be incredibly hard and time consuming, with classes and papers and tests and all. . . it could be rather stressful. So, that considered, I may aim for starting a novel in November and write something for it everyday, but if it's not done by the end of November, then no hard feelings, I'll try again next year - that and I would at least have started a rather large project that I would hopefully finish if I like it enough.

Um. . . I think that's it. My brain just died. I should be sleeping right now.

real life

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