Lame Excuse Here

Oct 06, 2010 02:01

Gaming meme again! Gonna do two days this time, why not?

Day 2: the most underrated game you've ever played

Grim Fandango, one of the last adventure games that LucasArts made. In it, you play Manny Calavera, who starts off as a salesman (of sorts) for recently deceased. His job is to get his clients from the Land of the Dead to the Ninth Underworld as fast as they can. If they were good in their past lives, they get to make the journey by car, cruise ship, or the No. 9, the quickest method of getting there; if they weren't, the most they get is a walking stick. Very few ever get to the Ninth Underworld; most of the characters you'll be talking to are people who started their journey, but found a spot that they were more comfortable in and were content to keep living that way (or they get sprouted, but that's another story). One day, though, he comes across a series of suspicious happenings, and discovers an intricate conspiracy involving the No. 9 and the mafia. It's better than it sounds, really.

You'll have to forgive me, I haven't played a whole lot of terribly underrated games, I don't think. In my case, it was either this or Beyond Good and Evil. For some reason, neither game sold very well, which is a damn shame because they are both awesome.

For now, I'll just say why this one is awesome, and also that I still haven't finished it, so no spoilers! First off, Tim Schafer is behind it, so you know it's going to be unique and crazy-awesome since Tim Schafer was responsible for Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle, Psychonauts and Brutal Legend, and has written for other point-and-click adventure games that LucasArts has made in the past. Second off, the story and setting are really awesome (so far, anyway); it deals with the Aztec idea of the afterlife in a film noir style. Because it's an adventure game, you can explore and interact with it in various ways, and since there are a lot of characters to talk to, a lot of places to explore, and a lot of puzzles to solve, there's a LOT to do in this game, which makes me happy. Besides that, the writing is witty and sharp, the characters are all interesting, the voice-acting and soundtrack are both more than up to par, and the artistic style is unique and colorful. The graphics are dated, but considering that the game came out in 1998, they're still pretty impressive. It's for Windows, so if your computer runs on that, I'd highly recommend checking it out.

Day 3: A game that makes you really happy

Well...yeah! Really, all the Mario games I've ever played have made me happy. The settings are all unique and colorful, the graphics are pretty, the soundtrack is awesome,'s just fun as all Hell to play! Honestly, just try playing this game and then tell me you didn't smile once during, or that you ever felt compelled to stop playing.

Then again, none of this should come as a surprise to anyone. Nintendo is pretty consistent with making good games, and they always treat their mascot with respect. There's never any pretentiousness or deeper meaning to him, nor is there any complicated plot; it's just pure, unconcentrated fun. I wouldn't expect anything less. :)

Day 4: A game that makes you sad

...I can't help it! Whenever I do something that inadvertently gets my pikmin killed, I always feel guilty. Damn it, leave it to Nintendo to make me feel guilty about accidently killing creatures that might function on a hive mind. They just make the most awful pathetic noises whenever some creature gets them, like they're crying out for their Captain to come save them...;_;

Day 1: Your current favorite game
Day 2: The most Underrated game you've ever played
Day 3: A game that makes you really happy
Day 4: A game that makes you sad
Day 5: A game that reminds you of someone
Day 6: Favorite puzzle game
Day 7: The game with most surprising game plot twist or ending (don't share the actual twists, and if you do, mark them spoilers for the love of all that is nerdy)
Day 8: A game you've played countless times
Day 9:A game with the best or most original soundtrack
Day 10: Favorite Retro game
Day 11: A game that changed your opinion about something
Day 12: A game that you dislike
Day 13: A game that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14: A game that no one would expect you to love
Day 15: A video game character who you can relate to the most
Day 16: A game that you used to love but now hate
Day 17: A game that disappointed you the most
Day 18: A game that you wish more people would've played
Day 19: Favorite game based on a movie/book/comic/etc
Day 20: Favorite stress relieving game
Day 21: Favorite Fighting Game
Day 22: Favorite table-top RPG
Day 23: Favorite racing game
Day 24: The one awesome game idea that still hasn't been done
Day 25: The most hilarious game you've ever played
Day 26: A game you've left sitting at the final boss fight and still haven't returned to
Day 27: A game that you wish you could play, but suck at
Day 28: A game that makes you feel guilty
Day 29: A game from your childhood
Day 30: You favorite game (or series) of all time

grim fandango, mario, memes, pikmin, videogames

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