(no subject)

Oct 03, 2010 19:37

It's supposed to be thirty days long, but I sorta doubt that I'll have the patience to do this for exactly thirty days. Chances are I'll do none a few days, and then more than one others, and attempt to set a goal for myself to finish before October 31st.

Anyway, onto the first question.

Day 1: Your current favorite game.

Everyone remembers the Mons phenomenon in the 90s/2000s, if not because they were involved with it themselves, then because they knew someone else who was. I think Pokemon and Digimon are more famous, but Monster Rancher is how I was introduced. My big sister is the one who introduced me, specifically; the first time Dad took my little sister and I to their house, before she and my stepmom became part of our family, she was playing the first Monster Rancher. I think she was raising a naga of some sort, which was the first time I learned what a naga is. Because she's cool, she let my sister and I start our own games on each. Since then, we've gotten our own memory card and our own copy of the game and have long since created new games, both of which I've lost a lot of time to. This is my default, go-to game, played whenever I want to hang out with my sister and just talk occasionally, and when I just want to play something on autopilot. I've been playing it on and off for the last five years, and there's still a buttload I haven't done in it, that I want to. That's how in-depth it is.

For those who don't know, it's a monster raising thing. Again, like pokemon and digimon and, I'm certain, several others. You can only have one with you at a time, like Digimon, but you can have several others in storage for when you want to train them again, like Pokemon, and like both, you level up your monster and then take it battling others (Hooray for glorified animal abuse! :D). It's got a few unique things to it, though; for one thing, you gain monsters from disks, just average CD-ROMS you can find all over the house, which is really cool. You have to be of a certain rank and need certain items to gain certain kinds of monsters, but if you're patient and a good strategist and SAVE OFTEN, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Also, your monsters can die, so you have to watch how you raise it and what you feed it and such. There's a lot of different ways you can raise a monster, too; you can be fair and firm and raise it to be honest and hard-working, or you can spoil it rotten and teach it really nasty techniques (fighting moves), or you can kill it by working it to death. Also you can combine various monsters to get new sorts, usually with one main breed and one sub breed. You can also use the monsters you have in storage to fight with a friend. IT'S ALL REALLY NEAT. :D

The best monster I ever raised was a Pixie/Centaur mix, called a unico.
In this case, Pixie is the main breed, and Centaur is the sub breed. I named her Fehn, and she was the second monster I ever got to S level (the highest battle rank with the most difficult opponents), and the one I used to Rank 1. She died right after; I kind of regret not just retiring her, but whatever, it's done.

The second best monster I ever raised was a Tiger/Worm mix, called a yakuta in Monster Rancher and a jagd hound in Monster Rancher 2. I named her Jade no. 9. I don't really remember why. She was the first monster I ever got to S level, and she got me to Rank 4, I think. Unlike Fehn, she's alive, and retired in storage, ready for 2-player battles. If you have a PS1, check it out.

Day 1: Your current favorite game
Day 2: The most Underrated game you've ever played
Day 3: A game that makes you really happy
Day 4: A game that makes you sad
Day 5: A game that reminds you of someone
Day 6: Favorite puzzle game
Day 7: The game with most surprising game plot twist or ending (don't share the actual twists, and if you do, mark them spoilers for the love of all that is nerdy)
Day 8: A game you've played countless times
Day 9:A game with the best or most original soundtrack
Day 10: Favorite Retro game
Day 11: A game that changed your opinion about something
Day 12: A game that you dislike
Day 13: A game that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14: A game that no one would expect you to love
Day 15: A video game character who you can relate to the most
Day 16: A game that you used to love but now hate
Day 17: A game that disappointed you the most
Day 18: A game that you wish more people would've played
Day 19: Favorite game based on a movie/book/comic/etc
Day 20: Favorite stress relieving game
Day 21: Favorite Fighting Game
Day 22: Favorite table-top RPG
Day 23: Favorite racing game
Day 24: The one awesome game idea that still hasn't been done
Day 25: The most hilarious game you've ever played
Day 26: A game you've left sitting at the final boss fight and still haven't returned to
Day 27: A game that you wish you could play, but suck at
Day 28: A game that makes you feel guilty
Day 29: A game from your childhood
Day 30: You favorite game (or series) of all time

memes, monster rancher, videogames

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