Give a little bit of heart and soul...

Apr 06, 2005 04:58

Its always weird when some one says they could do this or that with the same sex but... not date them... lol. Then again... I guess I could say that about guys. Except this and that with a guy is fruitless. But then again... I can date a guy.

I dunno its kinda all the same. If your feeling someone... it doesn't matter... you know? I've had love grow out of places I could have never imagined. With people I would have never thought. Sometimes curosity, sometimes friendship, sometimes just by chance. Sometimes you have have to give it a chance... give someone you would have never thought that second glance. Who knows... you could be passing something great up and not even know it. I'm telling you from experiance. Break those mental chains, shatter those social boundires. Thats all it is.

Do you know how long its been since I've really kissed a girl... man I mean really kissed? I really miss those long drawn out kisses that seem to last for hours. I miss being able to run my finger tips across a woman's back and stomach. I miss the sweet smells of a girl, the soft skin, and those curves that keep my mind working over time. I miss just touching a womans face, running my fingers through their hair.

Guys don't have that. Guys smell musky. Guys are more solid and less soft, rough hands, prickly hair... its just not usually the same. Not to often have I been caressed by a guy... its not as sensual... its not as sexy. Guys seem to always want to rush things. Guys seem to never really fall in love. Or incapeable of loving on the same tender level. I've never really felt as close or as one with a guy (there is the exception... you know who you are).

But maybe its just me. Maybe chivalry really is dead. Maybe I'm the last of a dying breed. Maybe my ideals are out dated for this modern world.

I watch the people around me... and maybe if I cheated, if I lied, if I ignored, disrespected, if I utterly broke my companions down mentally and emotionally... I wouldn't be the one who cries in the end. Maybe they wouldn't stray or lose intrest.

I know I havn't always been the best lover one could ask for. I know I've filled my share of dirty deeds. I've taken people for granted, I've hurt and wounded others. But I never ment to. And I knew when I laid in bed just watching her sleep. I was different. I really had changed. I didn't want to miss a moment. I didn't know how long it would last. But I knew it wouldn't. I'm glad I fought sleep that night. I'm glad I have learned to treasure every moment, and everything about a companion. I guess now I'm just waiting for the right person to come along and say "hi". :)

I would give all of myself. I just need the right person to come along to give it to.

Bah... i guess the pills still work... I'm suddenly really groggy, and I can breath :) ... Think I'm gonna change into some comfy pj's and lay down... drift away. God I love sleep.
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