In a world without extremes, beauty would not exist.

Nov 03, 2009 10:41

An iceberg only shows one-ninth of itself above the surface of the sea. Although you're enamored by its beauty, you care not to see what's hidden beyond the black, icy depths. "It's just more of the same," you'd say. That may or may not be true, but it can still tear a hell of a hole in your hull.

Like a landslide, foundations shift, uncovering new beauty and old ugly, exposing what once allowed life to be possible- taking with it everything in its path. This is not a bad thing. It happens in nature all the time. All the animals just laugh and go about their business, eating leaves and bugs.

If you spend too much time glaring into the rearview mirror, you'll soon enough collide head on into your future. As your pry yourself from the crumpled wreckage with protruding bones and draining blood, you know that you can only blame yourself. You'll have plenty of time to think this over as you recover in bloody bandages with tubes coming out of the majority of your orifices.

There is no longer any need for excuses, and explanation is futile. Cozy coupes are forgettable, but trainwrecks will be remembered forever. Leave your seatbelt unbuckled, because we do this strictly for thrills.

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