Aug 31, 2007 11:22
Well, Summer's almost over... and looking back at everything this summer has been busy, but relaxing; hectic, but not that bad. There are a couple major things that made this summer seem horrendous and made me wanna quit everything and go home, but then where are many other moments that have made everything worth it in the end. I don't even know when/where to start, but this one's probably going to be another long one. (Sorry in advance).
Well, from my last entry, I think I left off before my surgery. That went well. They took out one of the lumps and I was out of the hospital by I believe 1/2pm (I don't really remember). I lied down on the floor in my apartment (as those of you who've seen it... it's pretty empty and big)... because it was maybe 35*C outside and the vent on my floor was spewing out cold air. It was helpful. I had to get my ear piercing out the day before, but then my parents (the one's who were against me getting my piercing) came into Creations with me the day of my surgery to get it placed back it. They are a couple of saints for taking care of me so well that day. I really appreciated it; they do so much for me that I cannot even begin to thank them enough.
August went by way too fast. My sister and I went to Chippewa and Kakabeka and the Old Fort and a lot of places together whenever I was able to get the car from my dad. It was so much fun even though we were doing things that aren't typically considered "fun". It was just nice to do something different and relaxing and with my sister. I'm going to miss her when she flies out to Hamilton tomorrow. Maybe I'll move down there to be with her one day when I change schools for Law (Go, McMaster Go?). My dad and I have done a lot of random explorations of the boonies too. We went around the reserve (which we haven't done since I was a little kid), and then out Mountain Rd. and out to Rosslyn Village. It was quite fun just having random days with my dad... they don't happen quite often enough. We also took a ride out to Minnesota one day... and spent 10 minutes in the States and came back (we bought Maps. lol).
Well, other than that, I've been working full time now (even though I'm only a part time employee and the one with the least signority there). Oh Well, it's good money and I actually love the job because of its slackness and it's ease. The people are great there too.
I also went to Minneapolis with a couple friends which was AMAZING! I don't think I've had that much fun in as long as I can remember. We left for Minneapolis on a Thursday and got there at midnight, so we just crashed. The next day we went to the Mall of America (which I'll admit that it was quite impressive), but the 6 1/2 hours of walking around gave me a migrane... and that was the end of my day. The next day we went up to Albertville to do some Outlet shopping... which was amazing and I spent a little too much (Go, Visa Go!) but it was so totally worth it, because we were all happy and enjoying the time together (regardless of the rain). The next day (Sunday), we drove home and stopped in Duluth... AMAZING TOWN... and then along Hwy 61 to take pictures. It was just a good relaxing trip (even though I didn't get much sleep because it was late nights and early mornings). I still had an amazing time doing shit all with my best friends in Minneapolis. The pictures are hilarious!
This week has been both great and sad. Monday night, I went to dinner with Coral and Liz and then we went back to the Vic. to watch a movie. I had such a great time with them... I miss them so much. Perhaps I'll move down there (if not to Hamilton) to be with them as they all want to go to Law School (well Coral will most likely act a lawyer on tv or in a movie). lol. Go times. Then, Wednesday night, Rosie and I went out for dinner and then we went to a family friend's of hers for drinks and music and campfire and it was such an amazing evening that we just hung out by the fire until about 1:30am. GREAT night.Yesterday I went out with Kyle and his friend from England (both AMAZING people) for ice cream and then dinner and movies with Britt (I love you Britt, and I miss you... don't get rear-ended no more, ok? Ok!)
Well that sums up the rest of my summer, TTYS Dave.