
May 22, 2008 00:25

All the movies this summer that I plan to see come out way later here than they do in the US. Iron Man, for example, will not be here until August.

I'm contemplating dodging anything resembling a forum until September. I've already had one of the big surprises of Dark Knight (the movie I was most looking forward to seeing) ruined for me. Dude did it in the title to his thread too, so there was no way to not see it.

Of course I could always watch the local fare I guess. That never seems to pan out well though. The experience is always an exercise in blisteringly difficult Japanese, the massacre of the adorable, the cliched death of the hero, or Sukiyaki Western Django...just doesn't seem like I can win with Japanese films in the theater.

Rentals have played out well though...

Anyway, if you don't see much of me on here this summer, it's probably a combination of crazy-ass workload and spoiler-dodging.

stuff, life, movies

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