Oct 03, 2004 00:55
Man, I love, and greatly miss my friends. Tonight I went downtown to Spanky's with Jacob and Stephanie, and Jessie, Tina and Terrie met up with us. Just getting to chill with the people that I had developed such close relationships with in High School again was completely great. The night was filled with laughter, nostalgia, and some much needed catching up. I had really forgotten how great Stephanie was, because I hadn't spent any real time with her. Jacob is the man that I most confide in just to be there and listen to me, which he did very well all the way home as I ranted away about how our group of friends works/worked. I always love trading insults with Jessie, and I really hope he doesn't get offended by them, because they aren't meant to be offensive (most of the time). Tina and I had an odd sort of relationship in high school... we never really talked for the early years, then, much like the way things happened between Steph and I, Tina and I all of sudden became really good friends, maybe it was because I taught her how to properly stalemate a chess game that you are doomed to lose :). However, the main people I want to focus on in this entry are the two that I walked with to the car, Stephanie and Jake. First we will talk about Jacob.
Jacob recieves my award for most caring person that I know. Jake is there to listen to anyone, for any length of time, and will do pretty much anything in his power to make sure that things go right. Whilst people tend to make fun of him for his inability to convey a point, or for telling storys that have almost no real significance to anything, people fail to realise that they have probably ranted to him about shit that had no meaning to him what so ever, but that he more than likely sat and listened very intently, and with great care. I do feel sorry for Jake in that aspect though, because after having spent countless hours talking philosophy with him, I realise that Jake has some very valid, very strong points. Points to the magnitude that most of the people that laughed when he accidently mispronounced leopard wouldn't be able to comprehend what he was saying, because it was so far over their heads. However, most people tend not to give him the time of day because as I said, he has trouble conveying his points. However, Jake is very eager to learn, and become more knowledgable of the world, and how things work, and I respect him for that, because I would like to think that I am the same way.
Now, onto Stephanie. Steph is one of the coolest chicks I have ever met. (and no, don't take this as anything against Ashley, I still very much love her.) Having grown with the more conservative, partying is bad, fun is evil type doctrines, talking with Stephanie generally proves to be some of the best conversation that I have ever had. I can talk with Steph very freely about whatever the hell I want. She feels pretty much the same as I do about partying, it is good, but only in moderation. We can talk very openly about sexual topics, or anything for that matter, and I don't even feel like I can openly talk about stuff like that w. mah guy friends. I realised tonight that I have put some incorrect labels on Stephanie, because I hadn't seen her in a while. Over the summer, I had adopted the idea that the Jeremy I knew and loved (the wild crazy Jerm) had completely become more conserved because Steph made him... But I realise that it isn't so much her making as it is just a negative output of their relationship. I realised that Steph is also a lot more conserved just because of Jeremy, which really sucks because they are both really cool people when they aren't trying to be mature. Oh well, life goes on... I will just have to hang out with them individually more often, because they are both much more fun that way.