I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry Heather, please forgive my idiotic mother, shes a bitch and i hate her..... I feel so embarassed, can you forgive me, I really like you and I would do anything for you, well almost ;). Anyway i know i sound really attached, I am, but I'm not. I've just never met anyone like you..... Please reply to me I would
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All my love to:
Tracy, My Sister and compainion throughout life.
Heather, The girl that is 10X what I'll ever be, and could ever be with.
Mike, My brother, friend, and compainion to the death man.
Tim, friend and good pal since we were knee high to a pea pod man.
and Heidi, I'm sorry about what happened on my livejournal and that Ryan knew, Livejournal is my fualt and Ryan isn't so don't blame me......
And anyone else i missed I LOVE YOU ALL!
What kills kings?
Wither's mountains?
drains lakes, and makes everything stop?
I will tell you the answer Nov. 4th.
Riddle (for fun):
What is more powerful than God?
More evil than the Devil?
Rich people want it, poor people have it.
Ans if you eat it you die.
-(Answer...on the 4th)-
Heather, I really care for you, don't change for people and live life be free. Loves ya! :-* :-P.
Everyone else:
Tracy, The sister and Compainion one needs.
Mike, the Brother I lost and friend I will always have.
Heidi, I love ya and your a good pal I hope the baby comes out good, toodles :-P.
Heather, your the girl that could do what she wanted when she wanted, all you have to do is tap into that womanly power ;).
Love Tom
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