Give me something to believe in!

Apr 11, 2015 20:34

My feelings about God have drastically changed since I was a boy. I remember going to Sunday school as a kid and learned the basics.. you know, "God is living in heaven.. where the clouds are and the devil in a fiery pit below." It basically introduced me to both good and evil and I knew in my heart that God was overwhelmingly good or holy.

As I got older, I started exploring other cultures and religions and thought to myself, how can we just have one religion where everything is right when there were so many other cultures out there that did things differently. Pretty soon, I became an agnostic because organized religion became so bigoted against people having an open mind. I wasn't ready to give up my freedom because I loved exploring other faiths.

I started dabbling into satanism and learning to value myself more than anything else. While that's a good lesson to learn.. we must value ourselves, I will advise never to worship oneself. What I learned of Satan because of this was that there is no Good or evil entity controlling us but more like our faith is what guides us. Unfortunately, I was guided into the wrong path as it was negatively affecting who I was as a person. I was an awful person because I couldn't control my anger, lust and self-absorbance. I became my father more than I liked to be. It hurt my friends and my family.

When I came back to God I made a pact. I would serve him and I would become a student of my true faith. Only, I wanted to be free to explore other faiths just for the sake of wisdom. Now, one thing I'd like to make clear is that I see God as everything around us and within us. I wouldn't say that God controls everything but is pretty much made up of everything. God is never-ending as infinite as the Universe. The reasons we can't reach God is limited by our own brain.

If you can imagine, let's say.. an intelligent alien race out there in the Universe. They may not worship anything or may worship a God or deity that we never heard of. Well, that ignorance is why we can't see further, because we are very Earth-bound. If we somehow met this race and learned from each other, we would probably see God in a whole 'nother level. From there, the possibilities would be endless.

We worship God because it makes us feel good inside and we love Jesus because of his sacrifice to us and has been a part of our culture for generations. American culture is changing, however and we really need to step outside the box in our way of thinking. There is nothing wrong with being agnostic because you are a free thinker and can decide yourself on what you'd want to believe in. I choose to follow Christianity because it's my chosen path (in my belief system) as well is Buddhism.

According to the 10 Commandments, God does not allow us to have any other Gods other than himself. Well, if you really think about that, you can never get it wrong. If God was everything and there are all these other gods that people may worship, you may have problems if you don't see the bigger picture. The problem with this is that the majority of "gods" out there are just dead people or spirits. Understanding that God was once a part of them and everything else involved may help you see that there is only one Supreme being if you can call it a being. Because basically "being" IS God.

Could I be wrong? Sure. Many people are Scientologists too and don't believe in a higher power at all and believe that Science can explain everything. Well, that may be true also, but according to my theory, God is also Science and Math. While everything was written by man, something had to guide us to those theories and make sense out of it all. Maybe that's our mind trying to make some sort of sense just to relieve itself the pain of arguing and debating fact from fiction. I still believe that the brain has many other functions that just aren't limited to the human condition. We haven't found the answers yet because we are still ignorant in the way humans are evolving into next.

Time is running out for today so I'll wrap this up. The reason for this post is to simply write out what I'm thinking. If you're reading this, thanks for taking the time and take what you will. I am focused on this because I work for God and the great good of humanity. You have your own mind though and may see things a lot differently than I do or perhaps you may find some reassurance in this that God is just not some sheep herder trying to suck you into "Kumbaya" land. No, I work for Christ for other reasons than that and those reasons are first and foremost, to introduce how wonderful and mysterious our God really is. *endnote*
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