Apr 27, 2003 12:37
ugh hello once again. i just talked to eric for about 4 minutes. yeah i haven`t talked to him since the nite we went ta the movies which was wenesday i think. w0w that`s a big time span wednesday till sunday of no talking, once again i`m getting the feeling that i did or said something wrong. ugh i hate this. i don`t wanna be depressed, i`ve been so happy this whole month, please don`t let this bring me down. i had a weird dream last nite. he said i love you, and i didn`t respond. i dunno it was kinda weird, and i dunno what it means.
my sister got home last nite pretty late i suppose. i was already asleep and i didn`t get offline till about 2:00am so w0wiez she musta had a good time. this morning she goes to me before she went ta work "brittney he told me he still loved me" i honestly just started crying. then she asked him if he loved lisa [his current girlfriend] and she i guess said no but not in those words. i really hope they get back together. i love him so much. i just dunno.
hmm now whoever offered my a code i would love it! i am still thinking of a new username. these are some ideas i have so far. most of of em came up with:
lol i dunno anyone have some more ideas. i want something short and cute and i dunno. lemme kno which ones ya like and which one ya think should be my userame for my more private journal