Apr 26, 2003 20:25
well today was uhm a filled day i guess. today me my mom, sister, and my brother all went ta see my sister`s ex boyfriend chris at his baseball game. it was a little different because it`s been about 2 years since they broke up. my sister is still cool with his parents and his brother and sister and whatever. but the thing is, he has a girlfriend. he`s i think like 20 and she just turned 18 i think. so yeah it`s a tad bit weird. so we were there and i haven`t seen him since they split up. and i was like "as soon as i see him i`m gonna give him the biggest hug ever!!!" and there he was walking towards us. he had food and shit in his hands so i didnt hug him until my sister said "she wants to give u a big hug" and i was like "no it`s okay he`s got his hands full" and amber took his plate and pop and he walked towards me and gave me a hug he was like "hey britt howm goes it?" in the voice he always used ta say it in. and i was like "it goes" and i was just smiling and giggling. and then amber goes "yeah she said she feels like shes in 8th grade again, you know when she had that big crush on you" i was so embarassed but he just smiled. it`s weird, he was like my big brother. i love him so much. my sister i swear she just won`t let him go. she loves him so much and it`s so hard for her ta deal with. she`s out ta eat with him at her work right now, which i`m sure is a little weird for them. i know he`s "the one" for amber and i just hope he realizes that she`s the one for him.
after the game we went ta see my grandparents for like 30 minutes. her and my aunt were planting flowers and stuff in the front n back yard. were supposed to go over there tomorrow and help them plant some more. ugh man i hate gardening. i`m too lazy for that type of stuff. anywayz..
once we got back ta hamtramck we went out ta eat at maine street and got some ice cream from burks. i came home and now i`m here. i just got all of my school clothes together to wash for schoo om monday. ugh man that sounds terrible. i so0o don`t wanna go back ta school. but i look at it this way. we only have 23 and a half school days left. we have a lot of short weeks and half days in there. so it`s all good. damn summers almost here i cannot wait. 44 more days till i can get my license lol. i`m counting down the days i swear. my sisters gonna get a new car soon, ahh i cannot wait! were gon` be cruisin in like a mustang or a grand prix gtp or something. i swear that`s what she wants. but i doubt she will get one of those *crosses fingers*
hmm i hadda few offers on some codes. and one offer on a journal with the user name *sweet_nothinqs* i think i might take that one but i still wanna get some ideas on another username. c`mon guys ya`ll have some cute ass names help =)