I. got. a. job. :o YAYAYAYAYAY!!!

Oct 19, 2006 17:58

Doing what I want no less!!! I've been there for a week. It's in avionics again. Thus far it's been pretty much throw-a-bunch-of-technical-docs-at-the-new-girl-and-then-throw-her-at-a-big-unfamiliar-product-and-expect-her-to-hit-the-ground-running - *whew*! Good thing I like that sort of stuff. I don't know how I'd ever manage if someone wanted me to learn something slowly and methodically. Somehow things don't feel *right* unless I am trying to learn 3 things at once at breakneck speed with a big deadline coming up next week. A little stressful but I bring it on myself - I am irresistably attracted to huge messy, tight projects. My job description has changed twice already and I'm enjoying the heck out of myself. I love being thrown at different things with no warning - no. really. I do :-)

I get to do way more hardware than I ever thought anyone would let me do and they are tickled pink that I can handle SW too. And I am also getting nice big chunks of signals (gawd I'm rusty) and RF theory thrown at me. You run into some pretty funky situations around airports and nav beacons and I am studying nights to try to get the gist of the conversations going on around me. OTOH I have been itching to get into the RF and electromagnetic stuff and I will be getting terrific experience.

Oh yeah and I get a raise. Better not tell them I would have taken a pay cut for the chance to get my hands dirty in this area. :D
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