Is There a Letter in the Bag for Me?

Jul 03, 2008 09:57

Excerpted from today's letter to Grandparents since I'm too lazy to write about myself twice (who am I kidding, I love writing about myself!).

Hello Grandfolks,

This all made me greatly miss Ashland, and I hope I can get up there soon! There is an author Mom and I have read that you might enjoy named Jill Paton Walsh, who is one of Dorothy Sayers' proteges, or at least a devoted follower (she has collaborated on or completed some of Sayers' stories posthumously). The books of hers that I have read are the Imogen Quy mysteries, with the central sleuth being a nurse at a Cambridge college. I found them interesting and intelligently written, and think you might like to check them out from the library.

I am waiting to hear a response after my big job interview last week. They said it would be in "the next week and a half." I don't want to have to start thinking about backup plans but you know me, the worrywort, so I am. I think it went rather well so we'll see what happens. I have visited our central library several times to check out fiction books and to do research so that's coming along as well. NPR has had an interesting Shakespeare series in the mornings with issues about Shakespearean history, but unfortunately it tends to come on right when I am leaving for work, so I've missed the reports. I need to see if they have a webcast. Today they were discussing the authorship question, and that, as they acknowledged on the program, is plenty to rile up Shakespeare scholars!

Glad to hear that chemo is OVER and things can start growing back. I just got my support belt in the mail which is a GODSEND. It's flesh-colored and very light, which is good in this heat, and it supports and hides Mr. Bush so I can wear pretty much my normal clothes. I got it both to be more of an aesthetic remedy as well as functional: it holds the pouch in a horizontal position therefore allowing me to wear my dress pants, which sit higher on my waist, without squashing the bag and potentially causing a very unfortunately timed break or something.

Until next time,


work, shakespeare, medical, letters, books

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