Apr 02, 2008 16:14
I talked to Dr. Kaiser's surgical coordinator about the surgery today, and she said I should expect to be in the hospital for 5-7 days and at home another week or two while I recover, then hopefully I can function on my own, although full recovery will take six to eight weeks. I had to ask some more personal questions because there is one side effect that, if permanent, which I don't believe it is, will be a dealbreaker for me, and I wanted to make sure it was only temporary. After all, Dr. Kaiser promised significantly improved quality of life, and that has to mean it is temporary, because if it is not then it would significantly decrease quality of "life" for me if relieving some phyisical issues, and therefore the surgery would not be worth it. But as I understand it, it will be and I'm scared. I've had to duck into the back room or the bathroom a few times today to bite my nails and fret in private for a few minutes. Sarah had a great talk with me though and assured me that my doctor is the best and the USC Hospital and surgeons are the best there are.
I'm going to Take Back the Night with Katie tonight. I've only been once and found it pretty much male-bashing, but that was when I was young and didn't know as much as I do. I will go to show support to my friend and to the people who put it on and swallow my pride and realize it's not about me, knowing that for the people who have survived sexual violence one of the best ways to heal is to share their stories and receive shows of solidarity.
Hard and long day, but Katie and her friend Julianna and I are supposedly going dancing tomorrow, and this weekend is going to be amazing so I have much to look forward to and be thankful for.