Shall We Gather At the River

Mar 04, 2008 19:19

Grandma Rachel's graveside service was nice and well-attended. Lots of Lupers, Higginbothams, Hausers and Salters were there, as well as the Hansons, Wises, Strouts, Darryl Mallory and Jane Carter. Dick Piper's readings were appropriate and well-presented: his first was the common wedding verse "Love is patient; love is kind," etc, commenting that it was rarely if ever used at a funeral but he felt it summed up Rachel's life and philosophy sufficiently to merit a reading. Doug and Christine both made remarks, which were touching and light-hearted, and it sounded like they worked on them a lot beforehand even though they both went without notes. Doug talked about how, like G.K., he was not mourning, especially since he had heard her last few days and weeks were so rough on her that she would be glad to be done with this life and on where she is now. Christine said that she would not wish Rachel back here when she knows she is happy singing in the choir with Jim and with God and said she looks forward to the day that she would join them. She recounted how welcoming Rachel was, about Sunday dinners after church and how the table grew as the family grew. She seemed very nervous and her legs were shaking by the end, but Dad commented, and I agreed, that she did such a good job and it sounded so well-thought-out and rehearsed. I read Grandpa's remarks, which got appreciative laughs and nods of agreement, and Mom read Grandma's, which brought a lot of smiles.

The music was very nice: mostly it was the Whittier folk, the Salters (all but Lauren made it) and I saw some of the older folk singing along as well. Jane's muted cornet was a nice introduction to "Abide With Me" (my personal favorite of the service) and she also played on the first verse and did a descant on the last verse. We also sang "Shall We Gather At the River" and a very nice version of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." The service was held by the grave, which is under a big oak tree and next to great-great grandpa and grandma Higginbotham! After the service was over the six Salters went to visit Grandma Beth's grave several sections over: I think it is the first time my mom has been there perhaps since she died, although I remember Dad taking the kids there once when we were little (it was her idea to go). We brushed a bit of dirt from the stone and took pictures, and talked about where all of us children got our names.

We went back to the Yucaipa house for a reception. It was Chris and Cliff and Kenny (and another man I didn't know, but could have been their other child? I don't know your other nephew on that end), Julie and Lorene, Doug and Judi and Lee and Aaron, Lois' son and his wife, a family friend whose name I forget, and...hmm, that might have been it. Great food: chicken, sandwiches, fruit, salad, soda and (gasp) beer! We all reminisced over old pictures (I got some, one of Grandma Marilyn with the four eldest Salter children when the twins were maybe two, and one of Dad with Andrew and me in Joshua Tree in 1986) and looked around for things to take from the house, since Grandma Rachel wanted things to go to people who needed them, and to keep certain things in the family. Mom got a couple of the teacups for her collection and the old sewing machine, and I got the nice newish TV (well, it's still there since people are staying there for a few days and Christine said if I needed it it was mine as soon as they all left and didn't need it anymore. Dad talked to Cliff and Doug about the possibility of moving into the Yucaipa house, which apparently he and Mom are considering. Sounds like a great thing financially although it would sure be a big change, and of course I love the Idyllwild house but I don't pay the bills there! (Apparently Grandma Rachel's electricity bill was cheaper than mine in my apartment!)

So it was a nice, fitting sendoff to a woman who lived a long, productive, happy life, and there were minimal tears and a lot of smiles and appropriate laughing. We did her proud.


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