Food and exercise, exercise and food ...

Feb 24, 2003 15:12

Okay, I’m a bit stiff today. My quads are somewhat sore, and my hamstrings and gluts are a bit stiff (maybe they’ll turn sore later). I’m drinking water, and I wrote out a run schedule for the next several weeks, just to see what it looks like on paper.

I had some beef jerky and meatballs for lunch, as well as some cheese. Since Mistress Marilyn is also on the Atkins diet, this whole thing works so well for us! I was on an absolute carbo binge this weekend, eating raisinettes, popcorn and crackers on top of the meat and cheese thing ... I also had a couple glasses of merlot last night ... the diet is much more challenging than the exercise for me!

Wonder how other people are doing on their respective eating plans. Deb was dropping some weight on an unspecified plan ... same with FatJoey (who might end up in danger of having to change his name). Mary from RC Friends had also lost weight in the past few months.

I really don’t want to lose any weight - just get rock hard and be very fit. If I want to continue modeling, I can’t get too muscular ... but I’d like to go for some really defined abs and arms without being bulky ... the protein is what helps with all that, since you don’t retain all the water that carbs cling to.

I’m well aware that Fat Tuesday is just one week away! Since I know it’s looming, I feel like I can continue to eat up the red vines and raisinettes in the next week or so.

Anyway, time to get another glass of water and finish a paper that’s due tomorrow.

(btw, Pommy’s cold is better, and I’m very relieved! She was back on the golf course this morning.)
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