(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 00:39

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bjork:
    Probably my favorite solo artist. Homogenic and Post are some of my favorite albums ever. Her music definitely falls into one of those "if you were trapped..." questions.
  2. corrupted:
    Slow, crushing japanese doom band with spanish lyrics. Every riff is a skullbreaker.
  3. ed-209:
  4. gyo:
    A Junji Ito masterpiece, the first comic I've ever read that actually frightened me to the point of putting it down.
  5. jushin liger:
    Japanese Pro Wrestler. I want to wear his mask for a living.
  6. lobo:
    The main man, I will simply recommend Lobo's Paramilitary Christmas Special in which Lobo is hired by the Easter Bunny to kill Santa Clause.
  7. my bloody valentine:
    Started the wave of "shoegaze" genre that many bands tried replicating in the 90s. The white noise and massive layers of distortion are what makes them one of my favorite city traveling bands. The soundtrack to my life, so to speak.
  8. ocarinas:
    I'll admit I only became interested in this instrument after playing The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time. I haven't gotten one yet but one day I will!
  9. schoenberg:
    My favorite composer, A lot of Schoenberg's work is extremely dissonant and sometimes considered difficult to listen to. His earlier work such as Tranfigured Night is extremely beautiful but I prefer his later, more atonal pieces.
  10. swans:
    White Light From The Mouth of Infinity and Children of God are amazing albums, the song Failure from "White Light.." is by far the most depressing song I've ever heard in my life. I got a chance to meet Jarboe in person and I was completely star struck.

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