Brief rl update

Oct 26, 2011 01:58

Things are pretty stressful at home. We are officially moving to the house in Queens by Nov 1st. I have been helping my family work on the house and pack things up. It's a pretty hard thing for me to deal with emotionally since I have lived in this apartment for all of my 26 years, except the time when I was away at college. I am also deeply ashamed that I am moving with my family and not on my own or with a friend or partner.

I've been binge eating and playing the Sims Medieval too much when I'm not helping with the house. I need to stop doing both of those things. The Sims Medieval is fun but suuuuch a waste of time. At least with fandom I'm being social and/or creative. And I get away with the eating because people still compliment me because of how much weight I lost this year but I need to work on the program again. It's just hard when I have no set schedule and I'm with the family.

The plus sides have been discovering that I like house work (smashing mold on walls and painting mostly) and I've been driving more. I also have been making soooome progress on my screenplay (the one about the gay high school boys). I'm really having a hard time getting myself to write this one though. I don't know why. I also had an awesome time at ComiCon and actually cosplayed, as Codex from The Guild. I plan to be her for Halloween, though I'm still not sure what I'm doing besides giving out candy in the new neighborhood. Rajiv and I want to do something this weekend, but idk what especially since it's kind of a huge weekend for the family.

Also, Rajiv has been pretty great. 
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