My first week trying to go to the gym was a disaster. Between forgetting to bring in a change of clothes, Helena not being able to bring them in for me, friends coming over and me piking, I outright simply didn't go. But I was determined to fix that. So last night, I got everything I needed, made sure I remembered it and headed off after work.
I was tired and grouchy at the end of my shift when I went, but determined to damned well do it right, so I forced myself to go. I did cardio workouts, mainly on the treadmill and bike, leaving the weights until tomorrow night, when I have the chance to spend more than an hour working out, which will give me a chance to do both cardio and weights.
What surprised me though, is that I came out of it feeling good. I don't think it was quite hard enough for me, but whatever the case, I came out feeling less tired and grouchy, and like I could go another hour. I was covered in sweat, and my body knew it had been worked out, but it actually felt good. This is news to me. Normally, whenever I say throw on a pair of rollerblades, or do some running, I tend to do it hard and fast, and then exhaust myself in no time. I push myself to my limits quickly, and then collapse. But when I pushed myself more slowly, I kept on going for nearly an hour, which I literally would not have thought possible for me. Maybe there is some hope for me getting fit sometime in the next 12 months :)