Droberjar E. On certain amulet pendats in the shape of miniature pots, occurring between the Black Sea Region and Scandinavia // Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman. Kristiansand, Simferopol, 2011
Gundersen I.M. Aspects of interregional Impulses. Germanic princely graves in the Early Roman period // Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman. Kristiansand, Simferopol, 2011
Levada M. To Europe via the Crimea. On Possible Migration Routes of the Nothern People in the Great Migration Period // Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman. Kristiansand, Simferopol, 2011
Lund Hasen U. Contacts during the third to fifth century AD between South Scandinavia and the Black Sea illustrated by Late Roman glass and Jewellery // Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman. Kristiansand, Simferopol, 2011
Quast D. The Links Between the Crimea and Scandinavia // Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman. Kristiansand, Simferopol, 2011
Stylegar F.A. Weapon graves in Roman and Migration period Norway 1-550 AD // Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman. Kristiansand, Simferopol, 2011
Vasil'yev A. Druzhnoye and Thorsberg. Some aspects of the study of Belt sets from the Late Roman period // Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman. Kristiansand, Simferopol, 2011.