(no subject)

Sep 24, 2008 10:36

"From: Breton, Eileen K
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:06 AM
To: CVB Staff
Subject: RE: Thank you, and a hello from Cyri!

Oh that is fantastic news Cyri!!!! I am so happy for you! It sounds like it will be a perfect job for you and I know you will be fantastic at it. I was under the impression it also had to do with the city of Unalaska  recreational center, but maybe I misread something.  They seemed very nice but I was late in replying to them. I called and apologized for my delay. I hear Adam is working too, that is great news. Your Dad and I were joking about him being a Green Horn on some crab ship someday! :) I hope never... that is  way to dangerous!!

I am so sorry to hear about your Nanna in New Zealand. What a sweet woman and may God rest her soul. I loved the poem you texted to your Dad about her, he forwarded it to me, and it was beautiful! That was so sweet and I know it really meant a lot to him. Hang in there Kiddo, life can be very painful sometimes.

I would love information on Dutch, I love that little town and that whole area, I went online once and saw the video cams showing the harbor and the town, it was very cool. Believe it or not that was even before I became a Deadliest Catch Fan!!

I don't want to scare you but  Dad is going in for surgery today. He has a cyst in an very odd and private place. It is outpatient surgery so it should be fairly routine, I just pray all is benign. I didn't even know he had it until the other day. He said it was really small but it has grown quite a bit just since Saturday. He was diagnosed with West Nile Virus and Meningitis about a month ago and has not felt real good lately. Just when I thought he was getting over WNile, this comes along. I think he will be fine, and of course he is playing it down like its no big deal. I will let you know how it all turns out but I am leaving for the day to be with him. At least he has a good doctor and good health insurance, so we know he is in good hands.

Thanks for the note Cyri! Talk to you soon, Love Eileen! "




update, dad, wtf, life

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