I guess this is backwards, but I feel like I have to do this early on. Hello, my name is Ariyah, I don't know why'd you'd be reading this, but I guess I'm happy you are. I think it's important for someone in the world, at least one, to know where you're coming from. It's like a constant reminder that we really aren't alone. I guess I'll just tell you a little about myself. I'm 19 years old and a very pessimistic soul. I'm black. I'm also vague, by choice, and I can be quizzical at times, otherwise, I'm an open book. Oddly enough, I'm very shy, to meet me or speak with me, you would not assume so, I just also happen to be confident. I don't typically like people, and the people that I come to care about, are the ones that I love. I don't have room for anyone else. I'm looking for a committed relationship from the whole world, and if that's not what you'll give me, then I'd rather live without. I'm a colorful person, I love and enjoy all sorts of things, and all ranges within those things. I won't go into what I like, because almost everything interests me, even things I dislike, simply because I dislike them. It makes me ponder. Physically speaking, I leave some to be desired, but I'm happy with myself, as happy as one can honestly be with oneself, so I don't worry about it too much. I'm 274lbs and about 5'11". Pretty proportionate. In theory, I'm a pretty interesting person, but I wouldn't go so far as to test that, as I said, that's in theory.Let's see, home life. I have an apartment with one of my best friends in the whole world, as silly as that sounds, she's one of the five people in the world I really trust. I have an array of amazing friends, best and otherwise, I like to keep things interesting, no matter what. I have an amazing boyfriend who is fun, sweet, and supportive. We've not been together long, but I don't really foresee any issues, but then again, who does. My mother is 58 and works and my father is 64 bed-ridden, a stroke. I'm one of eleven half brothers and sisters and my family is VERY extensive.
I'm very intelligent and I'm often thinking, I am easily caught drifting away into my thoughts, Patrick, my boyfriend, calls me a space cadet. I think the title is befitting. I won't rely on falsehoods or exaggerations, so lets just say, my life is all out of sorts at the moment. The waters are not necessarily calm right now. I've come upon financial issues, and I'm currently having a battle of morals with myself about my own education. I was raised a free thinker, I was raised to be articulate, and I was raised to be myself, so let's just say I'm not your typical "African American" girl. I don't even honor that term. I'm purely just an American of darker tone. I have NO affiliation with Africa, at all, whatsoever. People are an irritant. My writing is very formal, but I believe that my speech is much more free form, I don't wish to write AND speak like a self-righteous asshole. That's just too much. Either way, I hope you enjoy whatever nonsense and thoughts I put here and let me know what you think. Feedback IS important. My first entry can be found here ----->