Jul 12, 2016 11:51
It's my weekend, and I've got some plans. There will of course be housework. So much housework.
But also, today I'm going to commit to finishing a Harry Potter fic last updated three years ago. I've got the bulk of the text written, I just really struggled with the formatting of it, because the chapter is a story being told by a character but is also scenes from that story. But I figure, somebody took the time yesterday to leave an honest to god review on an apparently abandoned WIP; the least I can do is finish it.
And then tomorrow I've been avoiding a blog about my evolving thoughts on the new Ghostbusters movie's existence, and I'm running out of time to make that post before the movie drops. So, that's the goal for then.
Also, I"ll probably finish Star Trek: TNG (or come darn close). I've got five episodes left; six if you count the two-part finale as two, but Netflix doesn't. I"ll be sad to be done with it. But, there are always my Sims, for which I must have done something right: Though Troi and Riker are married (and as soon as Lal and Alexander are out of the house will be having twins Majel and Barrett), Troi and Worf are very, very close friends, and I played no part in making that happen. Were something to happen to Riker, they'd totally end up together, I"m sure.
Also, all the HP kids are in college now, and I must have done something right there, too. Harry's life's ambition? Become Captain Hero. Draco's? Be a Criminal Mastermind. Some wires must have gotten crossed for Ron and Hermione, though, because he rolled the lawyer career track for his ambition, and she got the Intelligence (CIA, basically) career track. I can actually see that for her, but I struggle to see it for Ron. Oh, and Percy was the first one to become a wizard, and the twins just barely didn't flunk out of college. When they do leave, whether its by way of graduation or being kicked out, they're going to open a shop that sells toys, robots and maybe baked goods, because that's as close as I can get to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, I think.