X-Men: Legends of Joe's lameness

Jan 31, 2006 10:47

Okay, so I admit it. I REALLY like X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse. I'm playing it on the PS2, courtesy of Blockbuster Online's monthly in-store coupons, and I'm loving almost every minute of it. Guiding my favorite mutants through their development into gratuitous powerhouses has been a blast. Literally. ;-)

What's odd about this is that the game is as often filled with gratuitous blasts as it is with gratuitous tedium -- and I've seriously enjoyed both aspects. Deciding how many points to allocate to Nightcrawler's speed versus his energy versus his attack power... for some reason, it rocks my bamfing socks. And choosing to level up his swordplay skills over teleportation... sweetness.

Yes, I'm admitting it. I'm kinda lame. It's like playing D&D with X-Men, and to that idea, I say, "Sweet!"

Now, on the bad side, the tedium of juggling equipment back and forth between characters is pretty durn annoying, especially when you go into battle with a new (and therefore less leveled-up) team, only to find you forgot to put any equipment on three of them, well, that's like I said, durn annoying.

Still, games must have limitations -- if bags of holding were readily available everywhere, then any Joe Schmoe could be a heroic adventurer worthy of wondrous odes such as I am!

Heh. :-)

fun, gaming, video games

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