Wakfu fanfic, again!

Apr 21, 2011 12:46

Awkward Transitions


“Are you two done in there yet?” Princess Eenca said just outside of the stall that Amalia and Yugo had entered. “I understand that you don’t want us to see you get changed, but you have to come out of there some time.”

“R-right, we’ll be along shortly.” Amalia’s voice shook nervously, and then she looked down at Yugo, who was playing the part of her Siamese twin. “Yugo,” she whispered, not wanting to be overheard, “close your eyes and don’t open them again until I say so.”

“Yes, and then you do the same when it’s my turn to get changed.” Yugo turned away and covered his eyes, and thus missed the indignant look on Amalia’s face.

“Wha-why would I have to be told to not look at you? You’re just a kid, there’s nothing to even see.” Yugo uncovered his eyes as Amalia harrumphed.

“There’s always what’s under my hat.” Yugo said with a sly smile and just a hint of a snicker before resuming covering his eyes.

“Sadlygrove, this is all your fault.” Amalia couldn’t believe what she was doing; this was supposed to be a glorious adventure where she’d get to see the world and reunite Yugo with his long lost family on Oma Island, and now she was changing right next to him! Fortunately, she did dress lightly, so it didn’t take too long to get it all off and wrap the towel around herself nice and tight. “Okay Yugo, I’m done.”

“Okay, now remember Amalia, no peeking.” Amalia was tempted to bop Yugo on his head for that, but she didn’t want to spend anymore time like this than she had already. So she closed her eyes, and began to wonder; what was under Yugo’s hat anyway? She’d only known him for a few days, but she couldn’t remember any time when he took it off, not even when he went to sleep. It was so weird, what could he have under there that he wouldn’t want anyone to see?

“What am I thinking?” Amalia chided herself, but her curiosity continued to mount. “I bet he’s just making us think he’s got something under there, just to mess with us.” Amalia felt her eye twitch. “I bet I could peek right now, and I wouldn’t see anything at all.” Amalia fumed silently for a few seconds, and then, “Yugo, you done?” She said in as innocent tone as possible as she looked down at him.

“Yep!” He was, he even had that hat of his wrapped in bandages, and now he had a second towel wrapping the both of them together. “Thanks for not looking Amalia, I really appreciate it.”

“What’s to appreciate? It’s not like I was tempted to look the way you were.”

“Is something the matter in there?” Princess Eenca’s voice sounded confused.

“No, not at all, we’re on our way out now.” Yugo said, taking the lead, and obviously refusing to respond to what Amalia had said. Obviously.

wakfu, fanfic

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