See the comet, take a shot. A bunch of monsters come upon a manner in the middle of nowhere, they are surprisingly polite monsters as they knock on the door as opposed to just smashing it down and killing whoever they find. The door opens, and it is Edo. Yes, Edo just...found a manner in the middle of nowhere, and moved right in. Right. Blah blah blah, the monsters introduce themselves as the servants of one of Judai's minions, and demand to know who Edo is and what he's doing in this place, this is so incredibly tedious and you know there are so many fans out there who are too busy staring at Edo to give a shit about how boring this is, and oh, apparently soldiers from the Supreme King's army have been disappearing in this area, gosh I wonder why? More blah blah blah, and Edo takes the monster to go see the master. If it's who I think it's going to be, there will be so much terrible fanfic and fanart.
TITLE SCREEN! THE SUPREME KING OF TERROR! THE WANDERING O'BRIEN king frost is more terrifying than judai.
So yeah, Edo opens these big double doors, lets the monster in, and then locks him in, which for some reason freaks the monster out. Oh, and big shock, the master of the manor is Hell Kaiser Ryou. And Edo referred to him as his master. Yes, I can confirm that lots of terrible, shallow, empty fanfiction was written from this prompt. Also, for some reason Ryou has apparently recreated the Cyber Dragon Dojo thing in this room...why? Do the writers not remember, or even care about how Ryou pissed all over the actual dojo and turned his back on it? No, they don't. The only thing that was allowed to stick to Ryou from all that he went through in Season 2 is the black leather get-up. Because obviously if someone looks good in leather pants, they can't be all THAT bad! Jesus christ, this show is so shallow...and yeah, Ryou's going to duel the monster, and Edo goes downstairs to deal with the other monster. Naturally, Ryou dominates with Cyber End Dragon, the monster begs for its life, and Ryou asks about the Supreme King and if he's really Judai. The monster says yes, he's even seen his deck to prove it...I'm not sure when the hell this particular monster would have seen the original Judai dueling to know the similarity in deck with the Supreme King, but whatever. Oh, wait, apparently at one point this monster was bringing Supreme King Judai his buzzsaw dueldisc, and one of the cards slipped out, Elemental Hero Neos covered in a dark aura of darkness. And down with Edo, he's of course brought out Bloo-D, and wants to know what the Supreme King is up to, aside from pointless genocide. Apparently he's heading south to mop up remaining resistance and brainwash as many followers as possible. Because, as you'll recall, this is fighting Evil with Evil! Sure, it may look like its just plain being evil, but that's because you're not as brilliant as the writers!
Also, because pseudo-edginess is all the rage and a great way to delude people into thinking that what they're watching is good, Edo and Ryou proceed to mercilessly kill the monsters for no good reason. YAY FOR PSEUDO-EDGINESS! Blah blah blah, Edo and Ryou confirm that Judai is the much talked about Supreme King, and of course, Ryou is much more worried about how "deep" the darkness of Judai's heart is, rather then wanting to tear his head off for getting Fubuki and Asuka killed. But again, that would involve not treating Judai like he's the center of all existence. Oh, but Edo says they'd never join the Supreme King's side, which if that was ever in doubt, would mean something. Gratuitous shot of comet, and apparently Edo and Ryou are able to ride on the mounts that the monsters were riding on no problem, because they have such experience riding animals, especially lizard creatures from another dimension that should be trained to reject other riders. At least they're not those stupid Sonic Ducks. Also, they've abandoned those pointless robes. Whatever. And now we transition to O'Brien running in abject terror from a monster on horseback with the Supreme King's voice taunting him for his Out Of Character cowardice. And then O'Brien gets knocked off a cliff to his death, and oh, it was just a dream. God in Hell, this is painful to watch. Sure, I never much cared about O'Brien, but at least I'm able to acknowledge that with both his background and what he's been through up to this point, the notion that he would turn into this sort of wretched coward is just insulting. Flashback to Jim spouting that bullshit about the darkness in Judai's heart being beyond their imagination before dieing, and then O'Brien puts down his duel disc/card gun and walks out, and oh, Shou and Ojama Yellow are watching.
Wait, I thought Shou was supposed to be watching Judai? What the hell man? Oh, whatever, he can be watching God, it won't make a difference. Going through the rubble and ruins, Shou comes upon an abandoned Duel Disc, Ojama Yellow is shocked that Judai could do such a thing, and now a woman approaches, Maiden of Aqua, another Card Spirit. Transition, and more of the Supreme King's army running through town. They pass by, Maiden of Aqua thanks Shou for giving her a place to hide, and from out of nowhere appear three tiny fairies. Collectively, they are the Card Spirit Dancing Fairy. Oh for the love of fuck, do we really need Ojama Yellow gushing about how cute they are? any event, Shou says now's not the time for that sort of thing, and Maiden of Aqua asks if Shou might be a duelist going to fight the Supreme King. Ojama Yellow starts talking again, but Shou smacks him away and says he's just a worthless coward of a wanderer who can't be arsed to actually do anything, since apparently he's just a chronicler of a certain man's destiny, or some such bullshit like that. Honestly, I'll never understand Shou's/The Writer's reasoning in why he can't be allowed to actually do anything. Well, at least he directs them towards someone who could theoretically help out, but that'll depend on their ability to get O'Brien back in character again. And now over to O'Brien, who's just wandering around on his own without a clue or the means to defend himself. He hides from a patrol, and is then approached by the Dancing Fairies and Maiden of Aqua. They want to know if O'Brien is the hero who will fight the Supreme King, because god knows no one can be allowed to fight for themselves, and after some exposition, O'Brien says that no one can defeat the Supreme King, it's impossible, and they should forget about him. Logically, they would, but since he's one of the main characters, they will persist anyway in defiance of all reason.
Now O'Brien's in another burned out village, they all look the same though so it's impossible to be sure, and there are more monsters hunting down any survivors. They have hunting dogs that are on fire to track down survivors, so they're sure to find them. Inexplicably, they run right past O'Brien, and are apparently going after Maiden of Aqua and her Dancing Fairies. Good ol' GX, always there to remind us that the role of the feminine is to be the victim so that the masculine can be brave and heroic.
Maiden of Aqua is running, Flaming Dogs are pursuing, and oh christ, can anyone ever flee a pursuer without tripping on nothing at all? No, of course not, that would be an example of GOOD WRITING! Then O'Brien jumps down from a nearby cliff, which he managed to reach despite the flaming dogs not only being faster, but having a head start besides. LOGISTICS! Oh noes, O'Brien is now being bitten by all three monsters, what ever will he do? Why, he just summons the power of GAR to fling them from his body, which somehow does not tear huge chunks of his flesh away, and then O'Brien remembers that he'd left his Duel Disc back three villages ago. Fortunately, Maiden of Aqua just happened to...pick it up, how the hell she would have known this was his, I've no idea. Oh, apparently Shou gave it to her...which would mean she had it when she first met O'Brien. But didn't give it to him at the time. LOGIC! Blah blah blah, flashback of bullshit, and O'Brien shoots a burning card at the fire monster. It is not very effective. He does it again, it is still not very effective. But then Maiden of Aqua remembers that she has powers, and uses them to fill the area with water in a sequence that totally isn't ripping off of Sailor Moon, causing the fire foxes to jump onto some nearby rocks. And then O'Brien uses three Anchor Bind cards, cards that were made up for this episode and could not have possibly been in O'Brien's deck due to their dependency on a Field Spell that he doesn't even use, and the evil fire monsters are now dead. O'Brien then collapses to one knee in pain from his curiously clean invisible wounds, and Maiden of Aqua says that O'Brien really is the hero that they've been searching for, and O'Brien goes on about how he isn't, he's just a coward, he's terrified of the Eternal Coldness that dwells within the Supreme King, he who bragged of his professional combat skills fled with his tail between his legs instead of avenging his comrade...
Wait, what? O'BRIEN NEVER BRAGGED! Good god, these writers can't stay consistent with their characterization worth shit! This is just like in season two, where they pulled out all this bullshit about how Misawa was desperate for approval, which completely contradicted his prior characterization. The only difference here is that it's much more compressed, and with a token effort made to make it look plausible. Blah blah blah, Maiden of Aqua fulfills the role of the feminine by praising O'Brien's brave and noble masculinity, thereby restoring the proper gender politics to the universe. Seriously, this one scene encompasses damn near every wretched bit of the gender politics that the writers believe in. However, it doesn't take, so Maiden of Aqua abandons the emo git. And then Shou comes up to him, says that they're the same, so he should join him in standing around, watching people, and not doing anything. And now over to Edo and Ryou. More abandoned Duel Discs substituting for corpses, blah blah blah as Edo and Ryou try to psychoanalyze and justify Judai, since all the people he's killed don't really count and therefore he hasn't really done anything all that bad. Seriously, the notion that anyone would care about the "Darkness in Judai's heart" at this point is absurd. I've said that one thousand times now, and I'll say it a thousand times more. Blah blah blah, this entire scene was pointless, and now they've come upon the fortress that the monsters told them about before being pointlessly killed for the sake of dark edginess. They summon their monsters, and then just have them stand there as they walk in. I've no idea what that was about. Elsewhere, is the village that Maiden of Aqua mentioned before. Flashback to O'Brien reaching to take Shou's hand, but then the Magic McGuffin Eye begins to glow, prompting him to say something about how the Eye will be the outside observer, or something, this drivel is poorly written its damn near impossible to follow.
The village is in a poor state, and he overhears a villager begging for a break, but the nearby soldier refuses, blah blah blah, wow, the soldiers are abusing their charges, who would have thought? Maiden of Aqua arrives and demands to know what's going on, and of course is knocked down so that O'Brien can be the big damn hero. Of course. Then a pair of monsters make their presence known, one claiming that its the leader of this place and has been through lots of battles, so it totally knows what its doing. O'Brien points out how bullshit their story is, and they taunt him by asking if he plans on facing the Supreme King, and then they walk away, laughing evilly. Gosh, you don't suppose these guys are really on the Supreme King's side, do you? Shot of Comet, take a drink, and of course, it turns out the monsters, which are ugly, are in cahoots with the Supreme King. And now the one monster is casting the same shadow that one of Supreme King Judai's minions had, which is almost completely pointless and only exists for the sake of an inane excuse for a plot twist. Also, why does this tiny nothing village merit all this "subterfuge", when Supreme King Judai just curb stomped every other village with brute force? Because...SCRIPT! And of course, O'Brien was just standing there the whole time, listening in on the long and boring "As you know, Bob" conversation. Also, he somehow suspected that the one monster was in disguise, though I've no idea what the basis for this was. Probably some stupid detail about Fusion material monsters, I don't give a shit. The one monster transforms into Judai's minion. Yeah, O'Brien recognizes him, whatever. Blah blah blah, the monsters trash talk O'Brien instead of just killing him on the spot, this is really long and tedious, and now the Magic McGuffin Eye is glowing. O'Brien says he won't let them badmouth Jim, and so he'll duel Judai's minion. End episode.
NEXT TIME! O'Brien duels the monster, and he obviously is going to win. EPISODE TITLE, THE VICTOR IS RIGHTEOUS! THE SUPREME KING VS. O'BRIEN card of the week is maiden of aqua.
God in hell, this was a tedious episode.