Where I rewatch Yugioh GX, Episode 133

Nov 30, 2010 22:21

Recap of the end of the last episode, where Misawa steps out of the show for a little while to gather up some more exposition, and Judai believes that he will find Johan without any sort of basis for doing so. Also, at some point the opening animation was changed; it was probably in the previous episode. A professional step, in a decidedly unprofessional show.

TITLE SCREEN! JUDAI VS. SCARR, SCOUT OF DARK WORLD the dark world? oh joy, that means ganon will show up and kill judai!

They finally open the needlessly large random doorway, and when on the other side, we see that this doorway is just standing in the middle of the road. So...was this some sort of inter-dimensional portal or something? Whatever it was, it establishes even less reason to believe that Johan will ever be found. But anyway, the cast now finds itself in a ruined village. Blah blah blah, and there is a meteor shooting across the sky. Jim then has a vision of it turning red, turning around, and coming right for him. Everyone asks what's the matter with him, and he claims that he just hasn't adjusted to the light. This fools no one, and so he says it was a king's joke, or something like that. Then Fubuki declares he will lighten the mood, producing a ukulele from out of nowhere. Oh Fubuki, I knew there was a reason why the writers decided to randomly bring you back. Blah blah blah, the group decides to explore the ruined village, and Jim thinks to himself "so that time is coming closer." They will eventually reveal what he's talking about. Like why he's got those bandages over his eye, it will make no sense. O'Brien now wonders if this town was brought here from another dimension the way Tanya and her friends were, on what basis I've no idea, and oh hey, the giant doorway is gone, meaning there's no way for them to meet up with Misawa again once he's got his exposition all sorted out. Judai then declares with absolute certainty that Johan must be alive and well in this world, and he will rescue him. His basis for believing this? Absolutely fucking nothing, considering that they are so many steps removed from the world where Johan got stuck, it's not the least bit funny. Blah blah blah, we must scout for info, the empty broken town is creepy, we look into an abandoned house to see a picture of a man in armor, and then a kid comes out, having taken the picture. Also, he's got a duel disc on his arm. Wacky.

Judai runs after the kid, O'Brien and Jim follow, and that was a broken down car we just saw, what the hell man? Anyway, they catch up to the kid, who's been stopped in his tracks by a creepy monster in red armor. This would be the titular Scarr. Blah blah blah, the monster makes sterotypical scary threats that even Power Rangers wouldn't touch, and then throws a knife at the kid's duel disc, causing it to activate. So the great big monster, easily four or five times the size of this kid, is now going to try and duel him. And yes, this monster also has a duel disc. From now on, just assume that all monsters will have duel discs. It'll be easier that way. Blah blah blah, the loser in a duel will die, Judai steps forward, O'Brien yells at him, and Scarr says that all "warriors" are taken to the fortress while all kids are killed. Judai gets the kid to run back to the others, challenges Scarr, Kenzan says he'll join in, but Judai is very insistent that he be the only one to duel. Manjoume wonders what the hell's up with Judai, he's being an even worse screentime hog than usual, and Judai thinks to himself that he can't let any of his friends duel in this place, where life and death is on the line. But it's okay for him to duel. Really shows how little respect and trust he has in his friends and their capabilities, that he thinks he needs to do all the fighting for them. I hope the fucker chokes on his narcissistic arrogance. Blah blah blah, and the duel begins. Scarr goes first and summons Demon Soldier with 1900 attack points, setting a card to end his turn. Judai is really fixed on not letting himself or any of his "friends" die, and so he plays Fusion, sending Clayman and Sparkman from his hand to the grave to summon Thunder Giant. Then he uses its real world effect, discarding a card as cost to activate its effect to destroy Demon Soldier. The card by the way is Necrodarkman, no points for guessing how that's going to work out for him. Judai destroys Demon Soldier, and attacks directly for 2400 points of damage. Blah blah blah, everyone cheers him on, but Asuka thinks that Judai's acting differently from any other time he's dueled, he's acting like this is a REAL BATTLE!

Two points; one, this is absolute confirmation that neither Judai, O'Brien, Tanya, or Misawa bothered to tell anyone about how all duels in this world are life-and-death. That is just heinously stupid. Second of all, the writers are now asking that we forget all the other times in which Judai had dueled with his and/or someone else's life on the line. To beat the very, very, VERY dead horse I've got over here, you can't start deconstructing shit after playing it perfectly straight for over 104 fucking episodes. I mean, hell, what about the Judai vs. Professor Cobra duel? What about the Judai vs. Yubel-possessing-Martin duel? Didn't she notice how serious those duels were? Whatever, Scarr takes his turn and summons Fusion Devourer, which looks really stupid. It attacks, and when it battles a Fusion Monster that fusion monster's attack power gets reduced to zero, so thunder Giant is destroyed for 1400 points of damage. And now Scarr activates the trap card that he'd set during the previous turn, False Friendship Treaty; so long as this card is on the field, the opponent can't summon level-4 or lower monsters, but it goes away if the controller of the trap attacks or deals damage. Not a very permanent trap, is it? But now he plays the permanent spell card Hurricane Nest; now, if Judai special summons a monster, Scarr can send a Special Hurricane card from his hand or deck to the grave to destroy it. Blah blah blah, Judai is screwed twenty ways from Sunday, if only there was a way he could normal summon a high-level monster from his hand...nahhh! And again, a repeat of how nervous Judai is, and how Asuka has no idea why. Because telling your friends what the hell is going is lame and stupid. And then Judai draws his card, you get absolutely no points for guessing that it's going to be Neos which will be normal summoned through the effect of Necro-Darkman that Judai discarded last turn with Thunder Giant's effect. Because really, that's the only way this can go.


Blah blah blah, and oh hey, Judai drew Neos and can summon him since he's got Necrodarkman in his grave. This is a normal summon, and not a special summon like he did in episode 130, because consistency is for losers. Also, he's smiling again. Gosh, I wonder where all that grimdark seriousness went? Oh right, it was never there to begin with, the show was just playing at it while having no clue what grimdark seriousness actually is. Judai then equips Neos with Neos Force, raising its attack power by eight hundred, letting him attack and win the duel. Well, that was short and pointless. Judai is visibly winded, while Scarr dies immediately, not getting the time to share his inane sob story the way Birdman did in the previous episode, though for some reason this death involves a beam of light getting shot up into the air. I've no idea what that's about. And now O'Brien feels okay with letting everyone know about the whole "Dueling is life-or-death" thing, which seems like the sort of thing you should mention as soon as possible, but really, it's just done in this way to impress upon everyone the huge burdens that Judai's taking on for himself that none of them could ever hope to comprehend or handle. Now Judai asks the kid what his name is, and then some armored dude shows up, calling the kid Kyle. He is very upset with Kyle going off on his own, and tosses him into the ground to demonstrate this. Oh, and the Armored Dude is another Duel Monster card, Freed the Brave Wanderer, though the kid calls him Captain Freed. Blah blah blah, Freed says that Scarr was part of the Zure army, and now we can hear that army approaching. Kyle dissuades everyone from trying to fight the army, and to follow him. The Duel Monster army armed with Duel Discs arrives, blah blah blah, and our cast has somehow gotten up into the mountains really quickly.

Blah blah blah, these are the Dark World Monsters, oh hey, let's all go into this secret tunnel. Singing the secret tunnel song will be punishable by death. Walking, walking, and we arrive at a common room full of women and children. Kyle meets up with his older sister Jina, apologizes for heading out into certain death all on his own, and let me guess, that picture he found was of their dad and he just had to get it back? Why yes, that is exactly what it was! Christ on a cracker, how cliche can this trite narrative be? Jina then asks about Judai and his friends, and Jina then explains that yes, they are not originally from this world, but were sent/flown here. Blah blah blah, the Dark World monsters were part of their legends before they got sent to this world, this will never be adequately explained, Freed led the Steel Knights to defend everyone, but everyone has been captured aside from Freed himself, and everyone else was just straight up killed. Judai can relate to their plight, as he is searching for a friend who is as dear to him as a piece of painted cardboard, O'Brien reminds them that they're here to find Johan, and Judai quite visibly doesn't like having to abandon these people to their plight. Nevertheless, he asks these people if they've seen a blue pallet swap of himself, and no one has. O'Brien says its time to go search elsewhere, but Freed reminds them that there's still the giant army outside, if they leave now they could expose this hiding place, so wait until the light of the comet fades, which is apparently when the Dark World Army is most inactive. Yeah, I don't get it either.

Blah blah blah, everyone is shocked by how dangerous this world is, that Judai would take that risk anyway, and Asuka tells him to stop doing stupidly dangerous things like that. Really, you have to wonder what the hell is up with these people; sure, the details of the danger they've ended up in were a bit more extreme than they were before, but they all knew that this was going to be incredibly, insanely dangerous from the get-go, so why are they all acting like they haven't been battle hardened over the past two years? I mean, fuck, Asuka went against Titan in a Shadow Game where she would have had her soul warped and torn apart to save her brother, so extreme danger is not a state of being that she is unfamiliar with! And now over to the monsters scouring the village for who could have killed Scarr. Oh hey, it's that Zure guy who's supposed to be leading the army. One of his minions tells him that one of the prisoners has escaped, and while Zure doubts that the prisoner killed Zure, he believes he knows who did. And out in the prairie, shock of shocks, the escaped prisoner is Kyles dad. He is surrounded, he takes out his last card, sets it, and when one of the monsters attacks, he activates it, Justi-Break, which is basically Mirror Force, but only when a normal monster is attacked. Lightning hits everyone, and when Kyle's dad comes to, all the monsters are gone. THIS IS TOTALLY NOT SUSPICIOUS! Now back at the hideout, a lady comes in to tell Freed about Kyle's dad, who's name it turns out is Laz. He is being hauled in on a stretcher. Also, apparently entering the secret tunnel won't alert the Dark World Army, only exiting it. Good to know. Blah blah blah, Laz tells Freed that the others are still alive and are being held at the Detention Camp, with directions provided. Judai then asks Laz if he saw a blue pallet swap of himself, and Laz says that he did see a boy around Judai's age who wasn't from the village.

Whelp! That's good enough for Judai, that vague description has to be Johan, there's no way there could be another teenage boy from a different world who ended up getting randomly sucked into this place, nosirreebob! Laz, nearing death, tells his eight year old son and not his sixteen year old daughter to protect the people of the village and be a great warrior like Captain Freed. Because sexism is awesome! Nevermind that all fighting done here is done through card games, women can't possibly be expected to handle little cardboard cards, only little boys can be trusted with that kind of power and responsibility! And then he dies and fades into light. I am so moved. Jina and Kyle sob and hold one another, and Judai wants to go to the detention camp to rescue Johan and the others, despite the fact that he has absolutely no reason to think that Johan will be there. End episode.

NEXT TIME! Judai continues his best Leeroy Jenkins routine by going off to the Detention Camp all on his own over everyone else's rational objections, and gosh, could that really be Johan? EPISODE TITLE, JUDAI VS. ZURE, KNIGHT OF DARK WORLD. card of the week is thunder giant.

Let's see, last week had a Judai duel, this week was a Judai duel, and next week is going to be a Judai duel. Boy, it's a good thing we've got such a big ensemble cast to ignore and overlook, amirite?

yugioh, where i watch, season three

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