Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Rain Memories

Mar 24, 2017 23:08

Story Title: Rain Memories
Characters: Juudai||Pairing: N/A
Word Count: 100||Chapters: 1/1
Genre: Drama||Rated: G
Challenge: Diversity Writing, A46, 100 word drabble; Word Count Set Boot Camp, #1, 100 words
Summary: Rain brings back memories. Haou wants nothing to do with memories.

Rain pattered gently down on the castle’s roof, but Haou could hear it anywhere he went. It stirred up thoughts of times long gone.

Being in Osiris Red, sound asleep, soothed that way by the rain.

Being in class, the teacher’s voice droning on and on.

Being with his friends.

He drew on his armor. He did not have time to sleep. He needed no one to teach him anything.

The friends who’d come here with them existed only in Super Fusion now.

He repeated his silent mantra. This wouldn’t happen to anyone else ever again. Haou wouldn’t allow it.

The End

Notes: I love writing about Haou. He genuinely believes that being evil is the only thing that's going to do any good for him. Since, you know, being good just got his friends killed.
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