Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Always Prepared: Chapter 3

Mar 24, 2017 22:59

Chapter Word Count: 500||Story Word Count: 1,500||Chapter Count: 3/3

Fubuki brought up a finger to tap on his lips, then grinned. “I think I know what I can do!” He didn’t wait to hear if Ryou wanted him to help or not. Instead, he dug around in the bag he’d brought - not the one that had the party supplies, but the one he kept with him that had a solution for almost every occasion and issue that he could think of.

Someone had to take care of things, after all, and it might as well be him. Not that many people he knew could do that.

“What is that?” Ryou asked suspiciously as Fubuki pulled something out of his bag.

“Watch what I can do!” Fubuki grinned, flourishing something small and light in one hand. He bent over the bed and started to work at the handcuffs, ignoring how Ryou wriggled around trying to get a good look at what was going on. By some quirk, Fubuki was able to work at the cuffs without Ryou getting that look.

“Fubuki, tell me what you’re doing!” Ryou snapped. Fubuki paid no mind to his tone. He had too much he was doing, like dealing with this lock.

“I’m getting you out of here!” Then there was a pop and the first handcuff came off. Fubuki grinned widely before he started on the second one.

Ryou stared up, his expression just visible from Fubuki’s point of view, and Fubuki wished that he could get a picture of it to show Edo. Ryou so rarely showed that much surprise.

The second one came off a few moments later and Fubuki stepped back, waving his hairpin in triumph. “You can thank me later. You should probably put some pants on now.”

That got a very annoyed look, one of those that Ryou reserved for Fubuki.

“You picked the handcuffs with a hairpin,” Ryou said. Fubuki shrugged.

“I thought it might work, and it did. You should find that key, though. Maybe put it where it’s not likely to fall off again. Or not use those handcuffs anymore.”

Whatever Ryou muttered to that, Fubuki didn’t quite hear. He was all right with that, though. Instead, he put his hairpin away and stepped back toward the door.

“You get dressed, I’m going to start getting ready.”

“Fubuki, why do you carry a hairpin?” Ryou wanted to know, getting out of bed and looking for his clothes. At least Fubuki thought he was.

But he shrugged again at that question. He’d expected it, after all. And he had what was probably the only answer he’d ever need for it. “Why shouldn’t I carry one? It came in handy now, didn’t it?”

He wasn’t surprised at all to find that Ryou had no answer to that. Satisfied, he headed out to get the party preparations going.

He also wasn’t that surprised to hear one more flat statement from Ryou.

“We’re not telling anyone about this.”

Well, Ryou probably wasn’t. But Fubuki wasn’t going to make any promises.

The End

Notes: Fubuki is prepared for anything. At least he didn't try to play his ukelele at it?
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