birthday, NaNo champs, Sam angst, and cold air finally comes south

Nov 30, 2006 21:24

Happy Birthday, eponine119!!!

Hope you and the NaNo-Conqueror are having a fabulous time in N.O. :)

ETA: Congrats to both alliecat8 and crowgirl13, who kicked NaNoWriMo's ass. (Sounds curiously like they won at pokemon or something weird, doesn't it.) I'm proud of you guys, and of anyone else who made it to the 50,000 words. And I also send hugs to those that tried and ( Read more... )

pairing: jared/jensen, comment fic, life in the south, rpf: cw, fandom: spn: s2

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Comments 25

arabella_hope December 1 2006, 03:37:02 UTC
If Sammy thinks so, I'll agree with him.

*giggles* You're so CUTE Kate! <3

But can't Dean for once in his godforsaken life hug the boy?!

Join the chorus! That is like, fangirl chant. Give us a hug, Kripke, just ONE LITTLE make-out session HUG.

It was hot but overcast and kind of windy here! So...I don't think I shall be seeing snow...yet :D

HI BABE! I need to go read your latest stuff ASAP. (and write, yes, I know I promised stuff, but. um...yeah)


cynthia_arrow December 1 2006, 03:47:21 UTC
*waves frantically*

You know what's ridiculous? I must read entirely too much fanfic--and more Wincest than I'd like to admit--because when the carnival guy tells them to go be normal boys, that they don't belong at the carnival, and Sam leans over to very seriously explain why they do indeed belong there...part of my brain was honest to God expecting him to grab Dean's knee and make some allusion to them being in a relationship that society frowns on.

I kid you not!

I'm hopeless. I can't find Wincest the slightest bit sexy, but it's fascinating as all holy hell. And in some of those stories, at least Sam gets some affection.

And don't worry about the reading, or the writing. I never believed you'd get it done by tomorrow. :) Besides, I haven't even plotted out my Dean/Faith/Sam epic, much less started writing on it.


arabella_hope December 1 2006, 03:56:42 UTC
Atta girl! There is much to be said for consistancy :) But you can have the Jensen/Jared fic I started after that episode but never finished.

I swear, it's very odd my carnie fetish. I mean, obviously not for greasy guys that ACTUALLY work at them, but Sam & Dean? akdlkhsl. THAT' what I'm talking about! And the clown chair bit? Oh god, that was just the best brother moment.


random spur-of-the-moment rps cynthia_arrow December 1 2006, 05:48:48 UTC
Jensen rested his forehead on cool tile as jets of scalding hot water pounded into his back, pounded away all the stress of shooting that fucking scene. Just two takes, thank God, because he didn't have the stregnth to raise that tire iron over his head again.

Being Dean was exhausting. Being that fucking closed off meant he shoved most of his own shit down along with Dean's. It made his shoulders ache on a good day, but today... Sure, letting go like that felt good, but it wasn't satisfying, because in the end he had to collect himself and be Dean again like Dean always was.

There was only one good--or should he say fortunate--thing about playing Dean. Necessity, really. It made it easier for him not to want to touch Jared every time he got near him. But that was its own hell too, because he often felt Dean's reticence spilling over into his own life, until Jared had to call him on it, usually by simply dragging him into an embrace. But thank God he had that in his life ( ... )


crowgirl13 December 1 2006, 05:08:03 UTC
Thank you! *hugs*

Sounds curiously like they won at pokemon or something weird, doesn't it.

From where I'm sitting, it kinda feels that way too. :D Going around all month saying I'm 'doing NaNo' or am 'NaNoing' does make me feel vaguely like an Anime character. Or Mork from Ork. And now? Surreal and loopy, and random with the comments.

But the seems to happen a lot on your LJ...*ponders that trend*

[You're saying that you're proud made me grin and my heart ache a bit, in a good way. Thank you.]


cynthia_arrow December 1 2006, 18:00:29 UTC
Are you saying I'm surreal, loopy, or random?

Because I'm sure I ought to object to at least one of those terms. Right? :)



crowgirl13 December 1 2006, 20:11:00 UTC
*is squeezed*

No, silly. I'm saying that *I* am...I leave the most odd comments on your LJ. At least it seems that way.

Though, if you *wanted* to be considered surreal, loopy or random I'm willing to go along with that. :D My personal vote - if I had to chose one - would be 'surreal'. I like the word and it gives you a good deal of cunning flexibility. I suspect it would also look good on business cards.

*blows a raspberry on your neck and runs away*


gottalovev December 1 2006, 13:35:26 UTC
I started watching SPN S2 with no background at all, except seeing some pics of the boys and that's it. I was impressed at the acting and emotions the first time around, that's for sure, and laughed a lot at the funny parts.

since, I've watched S1 and got totally invested in the characters and story. looking at the start of S2 is something else now. I get it, you know? Damn those boys can hurt me with their angst.

and Ash rules, it has to be said ;)


cynthia_arrow December 1 2006, 18:13:44 UTC


Watching SPN is so different from watching Lost, because Sam and Dean's relationship (and their relationship with their father) is the only one we really deal with. It's not that Sam and Dean are better characters inherently or the writers of SPN do better with relationships--it's the TIME they get to take developing that relationship and showing it to the viewer. It would be like if Lost got to be just about Jack and Sawyer (and Kate).

If you watch from week to week, you get to see how complex but wonderful Dean and Sam's relationship is. Even when they're fighting about the same damn thing over and over, it's so interesting, because no two fights are ever exactly the same. It's like watching real family fight.

Sorry. You caught me in explain-y academic mode. Really, what I wanted to say is...Man, I adore those boys. And, yep: Ash rules!. :)


ellel December 1 2006, 15:10:10 UTC
But can't Dean for once in his godforsaken life hug the boy?! Jesus Christ.
No chick flick moments,remember?Silly boys. *sighs and pouts* We're THIS close to start "Give Sammy a hug already" club,lolz!!!

They were both so broken in 2x02,Dean repressed his anger and pushed and yelled and helped Sam figure out his mixed emotions and only after Sam admitted that he is not alright,Dean allowed himself to break down.He always puts Sammy before himself,that was impressive:)


cynthia_arrow December 1 2006, 18:07:04 UTC
See, I guess as much as I believe Dean loves Sam so much it hurts, I have a hard time thinking he was acting on anything other than his typical instinct to repress. It seemed like maybe his repression and/or bitterness DID help Sam, but only accidentally--more because he's not thinking, rather than trying to be an asshole (which he's not). I think he just doesn't understand the way Sam's mind works, in regard to emotion, because they're so different.

But, yeah--he's wonderful and protective and heartbreaking, so I still love him. Having him fall apart for that moment after seeing Sam upset--THAT broke me maybe more than Sam's tears. I do agree with you that in many ways, he puts Sam before himself.

Good Lord, sorry to go all analyze-y on you. Maybe I should've just repeated what you said: Silly boys.


ellel December 1 2006, 19:02:33 UTC
Ohhhh,no worries-I love analyzing and discussing Winchesters:)And I don't know who I love more!

I think he just doesn't understand the way Sam's mind works,in regard to emotion,because they're so different.
I agree-they're different,but IMO noone knows each other better than they do.They see through each other bullshit,one knows what the other is thinking and feeling,they brains are linked,really a case one says "jump" and the other doesn't even have to ask how high.
I think,in "Clowns" Dean yelled at Sammy mostly because he was in pain and it was a start of him not dealing at all with John's death(unlike Sammy,btw,who was dealing),which continued and escalated in following episodes.But that was very expected,John was like a God to Dean...And Sammy,he is so mature and understanding about Dean's pain.
Also I'm pretty sure Sam's big secret is heavy weight on Dean's shoulders.


eponine119 December 1 2006, 23:01:13 UTC
Thank you for the birthday wishes. :)

And you've probably already had the cold front by now, but it's not bad. Just a little chilly and still kind of windy.


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