birthday, NaNo champs, Sam angst, and cold air finally comes south

Nov 30, 2006 21:24

Happy Birthday, eponine119!!!

Hope you and the NaNo-Conqueror are having a fabulous time in N.O. :)

ETA: Congrats to both alliecat8 and crowgirl13, who kicked NaNoWriMo's ass. (Sounds curiously like they won at pokemon or something weird, doesn't it.) I'm proud of you guys, and of anyone else who made it to the 50,000 words. And I also send hugs to those that tried and didn't get there.

Now, I finally saw SPN 2.02, the clown episode and

GAH! To say I wanted to hug Dean until he just broke down and fucking cried is an understatement. But to say I also had two distinct times I wanted to slug him...well, most of you would likely disagree, but I'm awfully protective of my Sammy. *growls at Dean*

1. How in the HELL can he yell at the boy about how much he fought with their father?! Can't Sam live his own life? Is it possible Papa-Winchester was just as often in the wrong, that HE was the stubbron one? And even if you think Sam should've just minded his father, I still don't think I can just let Dean off the hook for reminding the boy--as if he NEEDED reminding--that the last time he spoke to John they fought! Dean should KNOW and, what's more, CARE that Sam's a little more emotional than he is and not lash the hell out at him like that.

2. Now, you're gonna say that Sammy decides that Dean's right in the end. That's true. If Sammy thinks so, I'll agree with him. But can't Dean for once in his godforsaken life hug the boy?! Jesus Christ. He's all broken and if there's ever a time it's okay for even reticent asshole to hug his brother it's when someone's died.

All that venting aside, I guess I forgive Dean, but only because Sam did get through to him somehow, pierced that armor of his and made him react, and in a way that seems perfectly Dean to me. I guess I can't be too angry, because Dean's reactions, while extreme, were exactly what I should've expected. That was just some of the hurtiest shit I've seen in a while.

So, tell me how it is in the part of the U.S. where that damn arctic front's already been through? It's coming for me now, down here in one of the few states that wasn't in blue on the weather map. (Today was in the low seventies; right now it's windy as hell and really, really damp.)

Lord help us all if there's snow or ice. Us deep southerners don't know how to deal with the frozen stuff on the ground. If it does come something icy, I'm not leaving my house. I DO NOT drive on frozen stuff. (I'm from Kentucky, so I've dealt with snow more than the average deep southerner...but that doesn't mean I deal with it any better.)

And now I'm done avoiding schoolwork. *chastizes self* Bad Kate!

pairing: jared/jensen, comment fic, life in the south, rpf: cw, fandom: spn: s2

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