I only have so much time. And so much muse.
Why is it there's the
fic battle at
lostsquee for all my wacky island fic needs, an ongoing
grab bag event for
bsg_slashathon for all my apocalypse of doom fic needs, and
Porn Battle VII, which I'm sure hits every fandom I have, and some I didn't even know I wanted to write for...
Why all this when I already have eleventy billion ongoing bandom stories? I'm in writing mode lately; I'm even in writing short ficlets mode the past few days. But it's ALL TOO MUCH. I'm afraid it's going to kill the muse. :(
[Meanwhile, today I wrote 17 pages of bandom genderswap! When I should've been studying/writing ficlets/anything but writing another behemoth, too plotty needs-help-and-rewriting bandom story! *shakes fist at girl!Ryan* &cmonkatiekatie; ]
My goals:
to write, this week
1. BSG: some snippety slash for the slashathon and hopefully some het or femmeslash for the Porn Battle
2. LOST: at least another couple of ficlets, hopefully some of which will be slashy (pairings, anyone?)
3. ?: something unexpected for the Porn Battle
and then (next week?) to turn my attention to
1. BSG: this epic and probably-already-obliterated-by-canon Kara/Sam story I've had stewing for a while
2. BANDOM: my 24,000 word laundromat!Jon AU, which needs a teensy bit of writing before being shipped off to my betas