haven't seen lost yet...but, more importantly, bandom?

Apr 25, 2008 14:14

It's both amusing and nerve-wracking to hang around LJ having not seen last night's Lost yet. (I was watching the very importantest bits of the mid-end of Buffy season five with some friends last night.) It's oddly comforting to see that the typically grumpy people are grumpy (I no longer panic if some of you are grumpy after an ep, because I'm convinced you'd be cranky if Jack and Sawyer, or Jack and Sayid, had graphic sex onscreen and then gave each other loving backrubs), but the rest of you are vaguely.... Hell, I don't know. Shocked?

Normally, I can at least tell what characters are taking the blows, but I can't even tell if the shock you're expressing is good, bad, or ugly. It's intriguing. It makes me rather want to keep myself in the dark. Except...I want to play, too! Even with the unhappies, because you all know I love you. (Srsly, those are the first entries I rather masochistically go to when I'm done watching and reviewing; I need something to balance out my willful pollyanna-ing. I need to be told when things suck, or else I sometimes don't know, lol.)


Now, something cheerier: Let's say I were to be curious enough about this motherfucking bandom everyone's always talking about to desire to look at helpful introductory-like posts, like picspams and whatnot (and, if it matters, a bit of the actual, y'know, music) -- anyone want to point me places? I'm totally willing to be sucked in. Suck me. *leers* *snorts vulgarly*

the very moment i lost my mind, fandom: lost: s4, bandom

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