BSG ficlet: Dee/Kara, NC-17

Apr 24, 2008 19:29

Kara's fingers fumble a little bit, and it's a blessing. Can't get her pants undone fast enough to suit either of them; can't work her way into her panties in any kind of efficient, controlled way. She's just shoving her hands down there, seeking and probing, and her fingers only brush Dee's clit before they're going up inside her like a sharp injection of something. Like pain. But there's no pain--in fact, everything's sweet tension and a hot wash of pleasure--because she's sucking one of Kara's nipple into her mouth and that--that is surely what's throwing off the woman's coordination.

"Frak," Kara snaps at her, as if it'll make her stop. As if she wants to her to stop. Dee lets her tongue trace circles around puckered, soft flesh, the flat of her tongue licking rough over the hard peak before she sucks in again, this time a little harder.

Kara moans to wake the dead.

But now Kara's got her just where she wants her, and Dee's shaking so bad it doesn't matter if Kara's hands are moving without precision, like she's never done this to a woman before--frak, she thinks, she probably hasn't, godsdamn--because this is Kara and her skin tastes like sweat and like the way she smells, but Dee can still taste the ambrosia that was on her tongue, too. She thinks about tasting it--before, again, again and again--until she drags her mouth from Kara's nipple and thrusts her tongue back into that loud frakkin' mouth of hers, that wonderfully filthy godsdamned perfect wet mouth, muffling moans when she slips her hands down below Kara's waistband, slicking one finger inside her but her whole hand's already soaked and Kara's thrusting back against it.

Frak me, she thinks. Just because she's still got control of all her finer motor functions doesn't mean she isn't this close to letting everything go, tipping Kara back into the bunk behind them and frakking her with her fingers about as roughly as Kara's touching her.

Or maybe with her tongue, just to see how she tastes.

Suddenly, she's too curious not to try, even if it gets her thrown on her ass. Somehow, she thinks she could take her right now. And if she can't, well...

reposted fic, pairing: dualla/kara, fic: bsg

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