Fic Masterlist

Jun 27, 2017 13:35

If anyone is coming to my journal to read my fanfiction, here is a masterlist so you don't have to page through dozens of entries to find what you are looking for. At the moment it is mostly Gossip Girl, with an occasional Glee and Battlestar Galactica fic thrown in for good measure. Enjoy, and I'll try to keep this as updated as possible.

Battlestar Galactica Drabbles:

The Smut Starts Here  here
Kara, Hotdog, Kara/Leoben, Kara/Lee, R
Eight kinky drabbles written for a hot drabble contest.

Battlestar Galactica Oneshots:

A Close Shave here
Kara/Lee, Helo, Hotdog, Kat, PG-13
A friendly game of truth or dare between the pilots gets out of hand because where Kara and Lee are concerned, nothing stays friendly for long.

Late Night Creature Feature here
Kara, Lee, PG-13
Lots of things can test the bonds of friendship. Going to the movies shouldn't be one of them.

What's in a Name?  here
Lee/Everyone, Kara/Lee if you squint, G
Lee has had many names over the years. One fits better than most.

Battlestar Galactica Miscellaneous:

Pilot!fic Round Robins
A collaborative story where each author contributes a couple sentences at a time in an effort to create a cohesive story about everyone's favorite pilots, Kara and Lee. Each fic stands on its own and can therefore be read in any order.

Round Robin #1 - Kara & Lee have a secret and a problem.
So Much for Keeping a Secret  here
The Rumor  here

GLEE Oneshots:

Blame It on the Mistletoe here
Puck/Quinn, PG-13
The first time Quinn kisses Puck, it is at a party celebrating the beginning of winter break freshman year.

Gossip Girl Drabbles:

A Discovery, A Rivalry, and a Resemblance here
mini!Non-Judging Breakfast Club, PG-13
Written using the prompt "shell."

Endgame here
Chuck/Blair, G
Written using the prompt "shell."

Fix It!!! & Connections here
Chuck/Blair, PG
Written using the prompt "spring."

Perfectionism Begins Somewhere here
mini!Chuck, mini!Blair, G
Written using the prompt "blast from the past."

Silent Protest here
RPF, Ed/Leighton, PG
Actors reaction to the script for "Remains of the J." Spoilers for 2.20

The Start of Something; Not the End here
Chuck/Blair, G
Written using the prompt "flight." Spoilers for 2.25

Gossip Girl Oneshots:

The Compromise here
Chuck/Blair, R
No three words, eight letters, no sex. That was the deal. But after Blair's failed seduction leaves them both frustrated, Chuck is willing to offer a one time only compromise. Spoilers for 2.8

Concerning My Sister here
Chuck, Nate, mentions of Nate/Jenny, Chuck/Blair, PG-13
Chuck may have apologized to Jenny, but to be her brother he still needs to atone, and what better way than by watching her back?

Even Heroes Need Help here
Chuck/Blair, Serena, R
Happily ever after is all well and good, but what's a girl to do when it's her prince who needs rescuing? Written for a "Once Upon a Time" fanfic challenge using themes from the fairytale Rapunzel.

Five Bits of Fluff here
Chuck/Blair, NJBC, PG
Basically five oneshots exploring the C/B relationship: 2 as kids, 1 in the first season, and 2 in the future.

Mending here
Chuck, Lily, PG-13
He doesn't forgive her, perhaps will never forgive her. But the thing he's learning about family is that sometimes you can love them anyway. Spoilers for 2.19

Our Little Secret here
Blair/Jack, allusions to Blair/Chuck, R
It was just a kiss. It meant nothing. But sometimes all it takes is a kiss to change everything. What happened between Jack and Blair on that infamous New Year's Eve. Spoilers for 2.14

Gossip Girl Multi-Chapters:

The Ghost of Us Lingers here
Nate/Blair/Chuck, R
She'd gone back to Nate, and put the past year behind her. The only problem is, it isn't staying there. AU following 2.19

Roommate Woes here
Chuck/Blair, Georgina, R
Living in a dorm is a definite change of pace for Blair, but while Chuck has agreed to help her get settled, move-in day holds a surprise neither of them are expecting.

Will Not Remember, Cannot Forget here
Georgina/Chuck/Blair, R, Dark, Mature
We all have demons we can't escape, and even Chuck Bass had been innocent...once.

postgossipism, battlestar galactica, drabble, masterlist, glee, gossip girl, fanfic

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