NaNo Redux, 2009 edition

Nov 09, 2009 23:42

Okay, so in 2005 I did something called NaNo redux. It spawned the monster known as the Bleach triad AU. I did it again in 2006, but alas, I did not manage to duplicate my success.

So the redux version is something like this:

You can write for one of the three:

1. December '09 - 50,000 words
2. January '10 - 50,000 words
3. December & January - 70,000 - 100,000 words

Instead of being super strict like NaNo, I figure that everyone can write whatever they want to. Fic bits, drabbles, or just whatever unfinished stuff they have at hand. The key here is to churn. Worry about quality later.

Anyone else game? And please pass this on. I'd love to have company while doing this.

(rinslet, just for your information, I'm doing Ted/Ed this year, if you remember that story. XD)

nano redux

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