(no subject)

Apr 14, 2020 02:25

I am actually not as interesting as most people like to think I am, but for reasons unknown, it seems as if people would like to read me.

'Cos I don't keep very good track of my profile and who friends me, leave me a comment if you want to be friended back. I really just need to know that you're not a coworker/former coworker/future coworker/my mom/your dad's goat/etc..

[edit]: I forgot to mention that I don't always read my comments. Uh. Just let me know how you found me in the comments so that I don't take two months to respond/notice. XD

[edit 2]: So uh, apparently, people read me 'cos of my fic. Which I had forgotten about somewhat, whoops. Anyway fic archive (tenorandtide) is public and has almost everything, beyond one or two missing things.

[edit 3]: I should probably have said this much earlier, but I don't friend back people I don't know. So if I can't read your journal or you're not a mutual friend of another person on my f-list, I probably won't add you to the reading list. I locked my journal because I'm uncomfortable with strangers and RL people reading it, and unless I get to know you in one way or another (email works, as does IM), it's unlikely I'll friend you back.
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