Birdie is coming up on
six months of solid food, and since my
last update her palate has expanded dramatically. M has bought basically every flavor of baby food available for the brand she likes, and this includes not only the old single-ingredient stalwarts like carrots and pumpkin, but also a wide variety of combinations. Some of those combinations don't sound appetizing (banana-chickpea-kale) or are somewhat strange when you read the label (apple-yogurt-cinnamon-oat), but fortunately Birdie can't read so she happily eats them all. The initial tentativeness she had around some flavors like mango has mostly gone away. I'd say carrots are still her favorite flavor, but she's fine with most of them.
Of course, there's also solid food that actually requires her to use her mouthful of teeth. Chief on the list is graham crackers. I sincerely hope that you have something in your life that makes you as excited as graham crackers usually make Birdie. They are certainly at the top of her personal favorites. She also has a wide assortment of teething crackers in different flavors. Her interest in specific flavors comes and goes, but she tends to like them. Assorted puffs (both plain and peanut) are hit or miss. Some days she can't get enough, and other days they end up on the floor. She's also tried crackers, hummus, pears, strawberries and other "grown up" food, but with mixed success.
Last week we started doing solid food twice a day. In the morning I feed Birdie before I log on to work, and then when she wakes up from her nap in the late afternoon M straps her into the high chair again. She drinks correspondingly less formula, and as a nice bonus all this solid food makes her poop more consistently. Nobody tells you before you have kids that this is going to be a big deal, but trust me, it is. Babies who poop regularly are happier babies. Birdie's angriest moment of the day is often when she is pooping!