Bigbang jitters and other stuff

Jun 15, 2008 19:51

1. SO I'm supposed to be posting a bigbang fic this summer. Unfortunately I'm like one of the last people to post - 28th July. Which is sad for 2 reasons - one, I have to wait that long to get it out of my system and move on to something new and two, I have to read all these other people posting such fantastic epics that are so bloody unbelievably ( Read more... )

rant: personal, rant: bigbang

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Comments 41

astrangerfate June 15 2008, 16:02:07 UTC
I'm not disappearing, and you know where to find me. Big hugs to you, sweetheart. Be as cryptic as you like and take as much time as you need, only you better not disappear either or I'll hunt you down. :P

Take care of yourself, and don't you dare be self-conscious about your Bigbang fic. It's loads better than the ones I've read so far (or more often, started and not finished in disgust. :P)

You're wonderful. :)


cyndrarae June 15 2008, 16:46:02 UTC
OMG your icon! LMAO!! So cute!! :)

You're just too good to me sweetie.. I don't know what I'd do without you *hugs*

It's loads better than the ones I've read so far (or more often, started and not finished in disgust. :P)

Awww hon. I read a few that are pretty good. Did you read the Seahorse? It's awesome if you're okay with mpreg. *dies of the goodness galore* Have just started Ouroboros and its awesome so far. The fic by lostt1 is a good read too.


astrangerfate June 15 2008, 17:05:43 UTC
::shuffles feet:: I haven't read Seahorse. I would have but for the mpreg...jury's still out on that, doubtless due to my early involvement in the HP fandom. :P And Ouroboros just looked so long. I enjoyed the couple I read, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed reading yours. Totally honestly. Oh, except there was one--Jared's working at a movie theater? It was insanely cute and schmoopy, but I still preferred yours. (This one was disappointingly low-sex). :P

Yeah, so I'm whiny and picky. :P But trust me, you do NOT need to feel jealous.


cyndrarae June 15 2008, 17:38:13 UTC
But trust me, you do NOT need to feel jealous.
:D Okay I'll stop whining now lol *smishes*

You know you're the third person reccing that movie theater fic to me, think I'll start that one today. HP fandom is swarming with mpreg fics! :) What happened to make you so squirmish around them honey? But if you're able to get past it somehow, you have to read the Seahorse. Promise you will not regret it :)


zomzoms June 15 2008, 16:21:08 UTC
I can't wait for your Big bang...I'm safe in the knowledge it's bottom!Jared!!!! (hugs)


cyndrarae June 15 2008, 16:47:07 UTC
Of course it will darling, that's one area I will never disappoint you in :D *hugs*


alchemie June 15 2008, 16:22:47 UTC
Jitters are allowed but completely unnecessary. I'm really looking forward to reading your story!


cyndrarae June 15 2008, 16:49:15 UTC
Thanks sweetie :) I know everyone writes and reads different things and it's just a matter of taste but really, some authors out there are scarily talented. Hence the jitters heh.


hucknclem June 15 2008, 17:11:11 UTC
Hey, I was wondering how you were doing, especially since you made that one post about the past biting you in the butt. Hang in there, and you can always e-mail me, okay? *sends hugs* :)


cyndrarae June 15 2008, 17:32:32 UTC
Mostly I'm doing okay, distracting myself with porn helps heh. Well, there's some trouble in paradise but.. *sighs*.. I hope its temporary, I don't know. I don't really feel like talking about it yet. But thank you so much for checking up on me sweetheart, it means a lot to me really *clings*


jillybean_6939 June 15 2008, 17:25:15 UTC
Don't worry dude! It doesn't matter that it's the end of July! Actually, I think it's better cause there'll be no more exams and stuff then.


cyndrarae June 15 2008, 17:35:22 UTC
Heh, thanks hon. And that's right, you're having your exams. How're they going sweetie? Best of luck!! Obviously you're not staying away from fandom like you wanted to haha ;)


jillybean_6939 June 15 2008, 17:40:28 UTC
No, not exactly... *blushes* I'm just trying not to read any fics and not spent too much time on line.

Thank you very much bb! I'm doing my best but things are kinda shitty so far. Your Big Bang gives me smtg to look forward too though. (even though it'll probably have bottom!Jared :p)


cyndrarae June 15 2008, 17:51:03 UTC
Things will get better, don't lose hope. Or your focus. Boy am I glad my exam days are over ;P

And I'm sorry sweetie, it will definitely be bottom!Jared :(


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