Bigbang jitters and other stuff

Jun 15, 2008 19:51

1. SO I'm supposed to be posting a bigbang fic this summer. Unfortunately I'm like one of the last people to post - 28th July. Which is sad for 2 reasons - one, I have to wait that long to get it out of my system and move on to something new and two, I have to read all these other people posting such fantastic epics that are so bloody unbelievably good!! Every new fic posted is only making me more nervous and jealous and.. awww man. *facepalm* Now if I can just find a good excuse to withdraw. Nah I'm just kidding ;) Be sure I shall be posting with pride. *nods serenely*
Then go into hiding for ever hehe.

2. To my friends from
raingazer... I'm not going to be posting on that journal anymore. Or at least, for now, depends on how certain things go in RL *shrugs*. I'm sorry for being so cryptic, please just give me some time to sort myself out. But don't you dare disappear on me you guys. *glares* Please? :)

cheers guys.

rant: personal, rant: bigbang

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