Apr 10, 2008 15:43
Got the email back that I was waiting for - a response from Vendor Relations.
His email, in startk contrast to all of my dealings with the office, was nice and understanding. He explained that the room had in fact filled up very shortly before my application, and that they regularly have a few who can't make it so they do have me on a waiting list. He said no guarantees (I wouldn't expect any in this situation) but that I should know in the next couple of weeks.
Dissappointing, yes, but an actual full answer. I still find it silly that it took 3 months to process a weeks worth of applications, but nothing I can do about that. And it may not have been 3 months - we all know that the website isn't exactly sppedy to update.
So I wrote back, saying both that I appreciated his complete and understanding response, and that I was dissappointed in the communications that came from the office. Really, if I could have gotten a response like his 3 emails ago I would not be so annoyed.
Rooms get full. Shows have application rushes. People are busy. All of this happens. But please, there's a huge difference between "you're on a waiting list" and "So sorry, the show filled up very shortly before your application. There is still a chance, and we should be able to let you know soon." It's the difference that at least pretends you care a little.
I'll be at Dragon*Con either way. Though I admit it will be weird to just be an attendee after the last six years of selling things in the art show and dealer's room!