We are not amused

Oct 05, 2006 08:54

This isn't funny any more.  There are subtler ways for you to tell me not to leave the house, Cosmos - just jam the bloomin' front door shut.

Yesterday I was merrily making my way home from work on my bike, (the first time I've cycled anywhere further than 2 minutes away from home since the accident) - I went up Iffley Road as normal (having negotiated roadworks and Magdalen Roundabout) and turned off into Jackdaw lane to go down to a back lane (neatly taking me away from cars) as normal.  Halfway down there's a turning on the left and as I was passing it this bloke came storming out (on a bike) and straight into the side of me. And I mean straight in to the side of me - he hit my head, and it pushed me over sideways onto the floor, with the bike under me.  
It hurt.  Not as much as fracturing my arm, admitedly, but I have a bump on my head (despite helmet) and a gash on my leg.  Bloody men.
Most annoyingly, he just cycled off afterwards.  I was shaking, the chain had come off my bike and the bastard had just knocked into me!  The nice girl behind me on a bike stopped to make sure I was ok - she was headed home the same way as me, and so we cycled together whinging about men, and people who don't look where they're going.

So.  Not impressed, a bit achy and generally cross.


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